Page 26 - HaMizrachi Sukkot 5784 North America
P. 26

An Aliyah Roundtable Conversation

          When making Aliyah, olim must make many significant life choices. We spoke with Rabbi David Fine
         of Modi’in, Rabbi Eitan and Rabbanit Etta Bendavid of Ra’anana, and Rabbi David and Rabbanit Ilana
         Gottlieb of Ramat Beit Shemesh to hear their perspectives on some of the burning issues surrounding
                                    integration, communities and successful Aliyah.

        For many people from Diaspora communities, shul-based   on a Diaspora model. I think our members take great pride in
        communities are a critical part of their Jewish life, and some-  being a model in our neighborhood for how to build community.
        thing that they find hard to find in Israel. What has your shul   Rabbi Bendavid: For many of our members, Shivtei Yisrael is
        done to help foster a sense of community?             the family we choose. So much of what we do centers around
        Rabbi Fine: The very fact that we have built and developed a   building community. I very intentionally speak about communi-
        synagogue in the North American model and have hired a rabbi   ty-building on a regular basis from the pulpit. We have a chessed
        who, for all intents and purposes, is full-time has made all the   group with over 250 volunteer members. Anytime anyone needs
        difference in fostering a sense of community. There are many   something – a meal, help, support, whatever it may be – there
        shuls in our community, but ours is the only one that operates   are people ready to help.

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