Page 16 - HaMizrachi Yom HaAtzmaut AUS 2021
P. 16
Chief Rabbi David Lau
From Yom HaShoah to Yom HaAtzmaut:
Appreciating our Abilities
very year, upon the completion of and institute a government, establish is before You.” We praise Him for what
Ma’ariv on Yom HaAtzmaut eve, Beit Yisrael. There are many things still we have. We express so much gratitude
Ea moment before the celebrations to correct. For example, many Jews do because there is so much to be thank-
and performances, I rush up onto the not yet recognize the Hand of G-d that ful for. But we also ask G-d: “We want
stage and say the Prayer for the Welfare returned us to our Land. But for one to praise You from Har HaBayit. We
of the State of Israel and a few personal day a year, we can stop and see the light. want to praise You from the rebuilt Beit
words of my own on the importance It’s not a cup half-full – it’s much more HaMikdash.” Just as we have been for-
of the day. I am always moved to hear than that! Let us see the bigger picture, tunate to reach these moments, so too
40,000 participants answer “Amen!” and say two precious, heartfelt words may we merit a full redemption and a
Many of them would not otherwise be to G-d: “Thank You.” rebuilt Beit HaMikdash speedily in our
exposed to this prayer and to the reli- days, Amen.
gious meaning of this day. We all sing
Hatikvah and only afterwards do the “” The Jewish nation has Let us pray that G-d will give Israel’s
performances begin. gone through difficult leaders guidance; that He aid all the IDF
soldiers, the security forces, and the
As a child in Tel Aviv, I remember asking times... On our way medical personnel - that they should
my father, Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, to independence, succeed in their endeavors and return
“What does Yom HaAtzmaut mean to healthy and safely to their families. Let
you? What do you feel on this day?” My we have passed us pray that we should feel the Jewish
father answered, “I know that people through all of these atmosphere in our Jewish country, and
are busy with the question: Hallel with trials and more experience and appreciate the Divine
a bracha or Hallel without a bracha – gift of allowing us to return home to the
but it’s not relevant. Of course this is a Land of our forefathers in our genera-
halachic question that needs to be dealt The Jewish nation has gone through tion. May Israel grow and succeed, may
with, but when they focus solely on this, difficult times. Times of imprisonment. the current situation only get better
the askers are mistaken and lose the Times of suffering. Times Jews were soon and may there be goodness, joy
neshama of Yom HaAtzmaut and the expelled from their homes and into the and peace for all the inhabitants of this
reason for giving thanks.” desert. Only 73 years ago, the Altalena Land. Am Yisrael Chai!
approached the Israeli coast and was
The fact that Yom HaShoah is a week refused entry. On our way to indepen-
before Yom HaAtzmaut adds so much dence, we have passed through all of
meaning and value to both of those these trials and more.
days. Because when one knows where
one comes from, one knows how to Besha’a tova, we have merited that we
appreciate one’s abilities, and with are now here, in our Land, in our home.
them, to forge the path ahead. We are here in our country, and we
praise G-d who has stood and stands
This is a day of thanksgiving. This is a by us. We praise G-d who returned us to
day when we stand up and say to G-d: the Land of our forefathers, and we pray
You’ve returned us, and malchut Yis- and ask: “Until now You have helped us
rael has returned to its rightful place. and You have not relinquished us, our Rabbi David Lau is the Ashkenazi Chief
We’ve merited to return to the Land G-d. But now our request, our prayer, Rabbi of Israel.
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