Page 20 - HaMizrachi Yom HaAtzmaut AUS 2021
P. 20
Rabbi David Stav
Praying for the State of Israel
n one of my first visits to the HaAtzmaut or not, one can spend hours sector. It is specifically those of faith
United States, at the end of discussing whether the State of Israel is who must stand at the head of the camp
OShacharit, the rabbi declared, the beginning of geula or not. But when calling for unity and togetherness, with-
“And now we will pray for the safety we see how many immigrants wanted to out mudslinging on others, even if they
of our brethren in the Land of Israel.” I come to Israel from everywhere in the are not exactly alike in their worldview.
heard this with mixed feelings. On the world during the past year, regardless of
one hand, I was very touched by a rab- religious and social affiliation, it is easy The test Israeli society has undergone
bi’s sense of involvement and solidar- to recognize that the country has long during the past year of Corona did not
ity of this rabbi in a land thousands of since become a magnet for the entire end in much success. I do not refer
miles away from Israel with the people nation. to the exceptions, I refer to the tribal
of Israel. On the other hand, it bothered phenomena. There were tribes that put
me that the Jews living in a remote com- I do not know a single ultra-Orthodox the success of the people first in their
munity, of which many of the children community that thinks that its future eyes, compared to others who sought to
will probably be assimilated in is abroad. strengthen and strengthen their
the next generation, feels he is own tribe. It’s no wonder that
safe and that he is the one who ,וֹל ֲאוֹגְו ל ֵא ָרׂ ְ שִי רוּצ ,םִי ַמׁ ָשּ ַבּׁ ֶש וּני ִב ָא this year the hostility toward
should pray for his brothers in Judaism and religion, and the
Israel. .וּנ ֵתָלּ ֻא ְ גּ ת ַחי ִמ ְ צ תיׁ ִשא ֵר ,ל ֵא ָרׂ ְ שִי תַני ִד ְ מ ת ֶא ךְ ֵר ָבּ religious social rift, increased
To be sure, it is of utmost ת ַכּ ֻס ָהיֶל ָע שֹׁר ְ פוּ ,ךָ ֶדּ ְ ס ַח ת ַר ְ ב ֶא ְ בּ ָהיֶל ָע ן ֵ ג ָה to levels not known here for a
importance to continue to pray ָהי ֶרׂ ָש , ָהיׁ ֶשא ָרְל ךָ ְ תּ ִמ ֲאַו ךָ ְ רוֹא חַלׁ ְ שוּ ,ךָ ֶמוֹלׁ ְ ש long time.
for Medinat Yisrael and the .ךָיֶנ ָפְלּ ִמ ה ָבוֹט ה ָצ ֵע ְ בּ םֵנ ְ קּ ַתְו , ָהי ֶצ ֲעוֹיְו If we want Israel’s chariot of
Jews who live there. Nothing redemption to continue up the
is taken for granted, we must mountain, we must all mobilize
not allow ourselves to become for it. We must understand the
haughty of our achievements here in We are already in a different reality. We needs and pains of each “tribe,” strive
Israel in the last generation. But we are already in a generation where the to give each group a reasonable answer
must understand that something very State is the main tool for the appearance and find the critical common denomi-
dramatic is happening to our eyes these of the Jewish people in the world, for nator for the future. Our existence as a
days. I do not know if it will happen better or worse. It is a huge merit to people should overcome all other pri-
in the next Shemitta or the one after live in such a generation, but like any vate values. We have no other way but
it, but the Jews are quickly approach- merit in our world, it comes with great
ing the day when most of the Jewish responsibility not to miss the oppor- to increase kiddush Hashem and the
people will live in the Land of Israel. tunity that has come our way, lest we love of G-d by demonstrating a personal
This is a phenomenon that happened fail in the laziness of the ra’aya who did example of the world of Torah that will
more than 2,500 years ago. In halacha not want to open the door for the dod be a magnet and a source of inspiration
it is called rov yoshveha aleha. This is (a reference to Shir HaShirim). In our for the State of Israel being built.
a halachic concept with many impli- situation, the dod is already here. What
cations regarding the level of mitzvot do we do so that He does not run away?
hateluyot baAretz being de’orayta or
derabanan. But beyond that, this real- The State of Israel without spirit and
ity has implications for the perception values is like a body without a soul. If we Rabbi David Stav is Rabbi of Shoham.
of the State of Israel as the center of want to affect spiritual change in Israel,
Jewish existence in our generation. One we must show national responsibility A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
can argue whether to say Hallel on Yom for the whole and not just a specific
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