Page 49 - HaShofar 5709 1948
P. 49

A YEAR OF PEACE and HAPPINESS                                NEW YEAR GREETINGS
                                                                      TO ISRAEL
To Rachel, ·Hillel; Shoshana, to all the
chaverim 'and chaverot of the American                          ADINAH HAP. HAM
garin and Ein Hanetziv, to c;,ur chaverim ·
in Chicago, and to all Israel..

  Mr., & Mrs. Sa, m Eatman and Hadassah


     ·• MAX and.·· LOUIS CHAWIN
                740 Maxwell St.

     NEW YEAR GREETINGS                                      GREETINGS TO ISRAEL
                to ISRAEL                                         LOUIS KNAPOFF


         NEW YEAR GREETINGS                                             NEW YEAR G}:IBETINGS
to our relatives and friends and to Israel                                     to ALL ISRAEL

    MR!.<& MRS. GEORGE· SIEGEL ·                                        . RABBI & MRS. SMALL
                  and Daughters                                                    and Family

         NEW YEAR GREETINGS                                                  . Goodfellowships
                       from                                                        Louis Sherman

           . HARRY ROBINSON                                      Mr. and Mrs. l\!I. Finkelstein & Family

                                                                  Mrs. H. Iglarsh

                                                                         A HAPPY NEW YEAR
                                                                       to our relatives. and friends

                                                             MR. & MRS. JOSEPH M. FEIGENBAUM

                                                                                and Daughter

c:i:i, ,,,, pn~,,. n:i~,ru            ,,mit,;:)tu  5-n"l                    . New Year· Greetings
                                                                          to· Relatives.·· and Friends
ft:l!:lH1 iDM1 Ci1i:IN                !?~1~ i1Jrt'1W                    MR. & MRS. H. ~ATZEN
                                         rir,o mn
                i, 1JoN n~5r.i, 1:i~                                   . NEW YEAR GREETINGS
                                                                          HENRY, LANGER, 'Printer
,n,v,,tJM;J:ii c 11n~,i,  nrt1r.i ·    ·· prni!:l 5.Nir.irt
                                                             3646 W. Roosevelt .Rd. _SAc;:ramento 2-2860
                                      ,~,,ru ni,:i,, ,,,

OCTOBER, 19-48                                                                                            47
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