Page 44 - HaShofar 5709 1948
P. 44

·· May the New Yea·r                                                       Compliments of .

.i ..Br-ing Peace and                                          MR. & MRS. LOUIS KOLOM
                                                                             S. DINITZ
               --TO ALL' ISRAEL -
             TO OUR FAMILy
                                                              GOLD MEDAL BEDDING CO.
                  AND FRIENDS                                          1567 S. Kedzie Ave.

             •                                                         A Happy New Year

                                                      --       MR. & MRS. LOUIS· BRODY
                                                                      Norman and Miriam
        MR. & MRS. DAYID PIELET                                           Irwin and -Doris
                      and Family
                                                                       A Happy New Year _
                     Greetings._ From                            To Our Family and Friends

                       A FRIEND                               MR. &. MRS. SAM BRODY

                                                                          and -Daughters

                                                                   IN MEMORY


                                                             DOROTHY SHAYNE

                                                             Her love of humans, her _loyalty to
                                                          friend and cause, her faithfulnel!S to
                                                          all, her extraordinary sens~ of respon-
                                                          sibility and conscientiousness, her
                                                          warmth of spirit and the radiance of
                                                          her good cheer-·all ·these and many
                                                          other soulful qualities that comprised ·
                                                          the beautiful life and personality of
                                                          Dorothy Shayne, remain permanently
                                                          imbedded in our -hearts a:.-id minds.
                                                          Bles~d 'be -her sacred memory. -

                                                                  Hapoel Hamizrachi of Chicago

                                                                                                            ·- -THE , SHOFAR-
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