Page 39 - HaShofar 5709 1948
P. 39

Greetings to the State of Israel                                             ··,
                                                          A HAPPY NEW YEAR
     Best Wishes for a Happy New Year of
                 Health and Prosperity        To our children, grandchildren & Friends

         SUPERIOR S_LEEPRITE CORP. --               MR. & MRS. MEYER COHEN
                                                                 and Faniily
  Hearty NEW YEAR Greetings to all o~r
                                                                                                                 . --
    Relatives and Friends, to the Adas B'nai
           Israel and Hapoel Hamizrachr                   A HAPPY NEW YEAR

    MR. & MRS. MAX B. LEPKOWSKY                 MR. & MRS. MITCHEL KLAYMAN -
                        and SONS
                New. Year Greetings
                                                                  and URIEL
              to our relatives and fri~nds
                                              A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR
      . MR. & MRS. H. GLASSENBERG             To all our relatives and friends
                 Myron & Raymond              MR. & MRS. SOL ARONSON

I'48                                               S,o, ndra and Burton

                                                 May the New Year bring Peace and
                                                           Happiness to all Israel

                                              MR. & MRS. A. N. POLIN AND SONS .


                      Kashrut is a foundation point in the observance of the Orthodox
               Jewish religion.

                      Sinai Kosher Star is a cornerstone of Ka_shruth m America.
               Rabbinical leaders and .our masse.s who keep the faith tur_n to us for
               guidance a1.1d authoritative opinion in matters of Kashruss,

                      Our personal lives are -dedicated to the pursuance of Kosher
               ideals -in our relationship with our co~religionists and ou.r fellowmen.
               For that reason, ~e are especially s~pathetic ·with th.e Hapoel

                                    SINAI KOSHER STAR

                                      SAOSAGE FACTORY

   48 t                                                          ..

OCTOBER, 1948                                   I'
                                                      48 ; : .


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