Page 43 - HaShofar 5709 1948
P. 43


                          Ben Zion H. H., organized in Oct~ber 1944, is interested in
                  furthering Hapoel Hamizrachi in Israel and fostering Traditional Juda~
         America. Meetings are held the second Sunday of each month
                  at members' homes. The evenings consist of a combination of serious
                  cultural discussions and social good fellowship, and absence is rare.
                  Chaverim of the group have done outstanding wo;k in fund raising.

                  President ······················-----························································Bernard Lifschez
                  Vice Presidents............Reuben Friedman, Joseph R. Friedman, Ben Rubin

                  Corresponding Secretary  .....................................Mrs. Jean Goldsmith

                  Recording Secretary      .............................................Mrs. Marcia Deitz

                  Treasurer ..........                                 nr. Zack ·Lifsch~z

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Cohen                  Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Glassenberg   Mr. & Mrs. I. Nathan
Mr. & Mrs. Al Deitz                       Mr. & Mrs. Simon Goldsmith
Mr. & Mrs. Armin Friedmar                 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Goodmar   Mr. & Mrs. _Irving Paul
Mr. & Mrs. Isadore Friedmar               Mr. & Mrs. Meyer Graff       Mr. & Mrs. Ben Rubin
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Friedman                Mr. & Mrs. Norman Graff      Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Rubin
Mr. & Mrs. Reuben Friedman                Mr. & Mrs. Samson Krupnid..  Mr. & Mrs. Sylvan Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Irving Fruchter                Mr. & M:rs. Bernard Lifchez  Mr. & Mrs. Meyer Weinstein
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Zion Ginsburg              Dr. & Mrs. Zack I. Lifchez   Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Zisook


                           Moriah H. H. has completed another successful and active year,
                   and looks forward to the New Year with hope and undiminished in-
                   terest. The group invites all earnest young men and women interested
                  · in Torah V'Avodah to join. It assures them a well rounded cultural
                   and social program.

                  Rabbi Reuben Deitz                    ......................................President
                  Miriam Karlin............_ _ _ _ _ _         ...........Vice President

                  Sam Zisken                                           Treasurer

                  Gina Enoch ············.-------·······························.Recording Secretary.

                  Bracha Lavin                          ..............Corresponding Secretary

                  Louis Bernson            Minucha Gross               Mortimer Si~gel
                                           Rabbi Sol Kahn              Seymour Socol
                  Selma Binder             Lester Kanter               Morris Springer
                                           Rabbi Seymour Karlin        Naomi T arasow
                  Abe Chasin               Max Karsh                   Doris Tepper
                                           Minnie Korb                 Chaya Sarah Tversky
                  Betty Dreizen            Harry Labow                 Jennie Victor
                                           Jack Morduckovitz
                  Rabbi Avraham Ellison·   Emma Mystel                 Leonard Yellin.,
                                           Avraham Segal
                  Beatrice Glass           Baruch Segal                Ruth Zisken

                  Betty Goldberg

                  Irv Goldberg

                  Ruth Groner

                  Julius, Groner  s.

                  Joe Gross

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