Page 40 - HaMizrachi Purim 5783 USA
P. 40


     VIEWS                                 Rabbi Judah                           Yaeli

                                           Mischel                               Davis

                                                 ver the years, my family has enjoyed   n Purim you can dress up as anything you
                                                 many great coordinated Purim cos-     desire, but it’s precisely this freedom
                                                 tumes, from Moroccan jalabiyas and    that makes the decision so difficult. It’s
                                                 unicorns to a shtetl theme. While adding   hard to pick my favorite Purim costume.
                                           Oto the raucous fun of Purim, wearing  OI’ve been a princess, Rebbe Nachman
     We asked five                         costumes reflects the day’s theme of hidden-  (my dad collected Breslov kippot) and a clown.
                                           ness and revelation. Hiding our identity lets us
                                                                                 But last year’s costume takes the cake. It was my
     accomplished                          imagine depths that lie beneath our perceived   first Purim since getting married, and so I forced
                                           reality, what is beyond appearances.
                                                                                 my husband into doing a couples costume. But
                                              Into a  shul walk an ex-president and   that was only the beginning of the struggle;
     Jews from                             Mordechai haYehudi. Who are they really? Are   when we flew to South Africa for the holiday,
                                                                                 we still hadn’t agreed on a costume.
                                           they the people we know via their everyday
                                           persona? Are we our social roles? Or are we   At the last moment, we ran frantically to ‘Mr.
     around the                            playing fictional characters? Perhaps our self-  Price’ in South Africa and found our costume: Dr.
                                                                                 Doofenshmirtz and Perry the Platypus from the
                                           images within professional settings, and even
                                           with friends, are like ‘costumes’. But who are we?  children’s TV show Phineas and Ferb. I spent my
     world:                                ‘mask’. Ancient Greek actors wore a prosopon on   first Purim in South Africa walking around with
                                              ‘Persona’ derives from the Greek prosopon,
                                                                                 a cardboard platypus tail stapled to my bright
     What is your                          stage – but not to conceal themselves, rather to   green dress, a brown fedora and bright yellow
                                           reveal their character and their inner emotions
                                                                                 shoes, while my husband Yoni made himself a
                                           to the audience. Our Purim mask, too, reveals   long paper nose and borrowed his sister’s lab
     best Purim                            something that we hide. Megillat Esther means   coat.
                                           ‘Revelation of the Hidden’.
                                                                                    Yoni does a good impression of his character
                                              As we ‘dress up’ for different roles in life, our   (“Perry the Platypus, how unexpected of you...” –
     costume of                            actions and choices also fluctuate. Our behaviors   if you know, you know), so people knew instantly
                                           are levushim which can conceal our true desire to
                                                                                 who we were. We made an unusual sight in
                                           live with Yiddishkeit and make holy choices. In   Johannesburg – an incompetent evil scientist
     all time?                             the beginning of the megillah, we participated   and a British lady in a bright turquoise dress
                                                                                 with a stapled-on tail.
                                           in the non-kosher feast of Achashverosh. But
                                           nahafoch-hu, ‘it was reversed’, and by the end,   When dressing up for Purim, we usually think
                                           we re-accepted and upheld the Torah. On Purim   about what looks best on us and what others
                                           we realize that beneath our ‘costume’ is who we   will think of us. But Purim represents the exact
                                           really are: a Jew connected to Hashem.   opposite. It’s about moving beyond our selfish
                                              The most meaningful costume is dressing   selves and bringing joy to one another – even if
                                           up as myself, revealing me, a Jew who desires   it means walking around with a platypus tail!
                                           closeness with Hashem. This Purim, may we not   Purim Sameach!
                                           hold back – from being our truest self. LaYehudim
                                           hayta orah… kein tihyeh lanu!
                                                                                 Yaeli Davis, originally from London, met Yoni, her
                                           Rabbi Judah Mischel is Executive Director of Camp   South African husband, at a kibbutz ulpan while
                                           HASC and author of Baderech: Along the Path of   working with cows. She is a Mizrachi campus orga-
                                           Teshuvah.                             nizer at the Technion.

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