Page 42 - HaMizrachi Purim 5783 USA
P. 42

A Revolution

                    of Jewish Pride

                                              Rabbi Elie Mischel

                ntisemitism is back – and it’s   alone to fight these acts of hate. Victims   antisemitism he personified was just
                no longer disqualifying, even   are not the ones to cure antisemitism.”   a passing phase and would soon blow
                in the greatest halls of power.   Yes, we are sometimes victims, and in   over. Only Mordechai refused to go along:
        AIn May 2021, as Hamas rockets      Pittsburgh, tragically so. But is passively   ה ֶו ֲח ַּ ת ְ ׁשִי אל ְו ,ע ַר ְכִי אל י ַכ ֳ ּ ד ְר ָמּו, “and Mordechai
        rained down upon Israeli homes and   hoping that the good gentiles of Amer-  would not bow down or prostrate him-
        Rashida Tlaib accused Israel of bomb-  ica stand up in our defense the wisest   self before him” (Esther 3:2). The midrash
        ing Palestinian schools, President Biden   response to antisemitism?    describes a strange backstory to Morde-
        praised the congresswoman, saying “I   Certainly, as believing Jews, we must turn   chai’s obstinate refusal to bow: “Haman
        admire your intellect, I admire your pas-                               said to Mordechai: ‘Why won’t you bow
        sion, and I admire your concern for so   to Hashem in prayer – just as Mordechai   down to me? Your grandfather Ya’akov
                                            and Esther did in Shushan, thousands of
        many other people.” Meanwhile, former                                   bowed down before my grandfather
        President Trump has no problem dining   years ago. But Mordechai did not rely only   Eisav!’ Mordechai answered: ‘My grand-
                                            on prayer. He took active steps to defeat
        with white nationalist Nick Fuentes and                                 father [Binyamin] was not yet born when
        the antisemite Kanye West, legitimizing   and destroy the Jew-haters who threat-  Ya’akov bowed down to Eisav… I am G-d’s
        Jew-haters who formerly occupied the   ened our people. I believe he has much   nobleman, for all the other tribes were
        margins of society.                 to teach us – if we are willing to listen.  born in exile, but my grandfather was
        Many hope this is simply a passing phase.   The man who would not bow   born in Eretz Yisrael!’” (Esther Rabbah 7:9)
        During Shavuot of 2020, Black Lives                                     Mordechai’s rationale seems faulty. It’s
        Matter rioters in the Fairfax neighbor-  The time period of Purim is eerily similar   true that the father of his tribe, Binyamin,
        hood of Los Angeles shouted “Kill the   to our current generation. Like the United   was not yet born when the rest of the
        Jews”, scrawling antisemitic graffiti on   States, the Persian kingdom took great   family bowed down to Eisav. But why
        the walls of five Orthodox synagogues   pains to emphasize its tolerance and accep-  should the timing of his forefather’s birth
        and three day schools. But when I spoke   tance of all peoples,  ׁשי ִא ָו- ׁשי ִא ןֹוצ ְר ִּ כ ,תֹוש ֲע ַל,   exempt him from bowing to Haman? And
        with a local Orthodox rabbi the following   “to do according to the will of every   why is it significant that Binyamin, alone
        week, he downplayed the incidents and   man”. But just as the “tolerant” United   among the sons of Ya’akov, was born in
        said “give it time, it will blow over”. Umm,   States now tolerates blatant antisem-  Eretz Yisrael?
        not exactly.                        itism among its political class, Persian
                                            “tolerance” led to the rise of Haman, who
        Other Jews have called out the problem,                                 An Eretz Yisrael Jew
        but maintain that the solution is not in   sought nothing less than the genocide of
                                            the Jewish people.
        our hands. Rabbi Jeffrey Myers of the                                   Exile is synonymous with fear – a debil-
        Tree of Life Congregation in Pittsburgh   The Jews of Persia prudently bowed   itating spiritual condition. Rav Kook
        told CNN: “It cannot fall on Jewish people   before  Haman,  assuming  the   writes that “it is impossible for the Divine

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