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P. 48

Is it Permissible to Give Candy

                           as Mishloach Manot?

                                             Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon

                t is a common custom today to   However, the Gemara (Megillah 7b) cites   two types of food, you can add whatever
        I       include candies of all kinds in   several cases in which rabbis would send   you’d like to the mishloach manot.
                mishloach manot on Purim. But is
                                            sweets as mishloach manot: Rabbah wanted
                                                                                At the same time, when giving mishloach
                it possible to fulfill the mitzvah
        in this way?                        to send a cup full of kimcha d’avshuna,   manot to children, giving them candy,
                                            which is sweet flour (Rashi, “d’avshuna”),
                                                                                chocolates and things they enjoy should
                                            or kashba, which is sugar cane (The Aruch,
        It seems that this question depends on                                  be a priority!
        the different reasons suggested for the   cited in Tosfot Avodah Zara 14b, “chatzav”;
                                            Rambam, Perush Hamishnayot, Avodah Zara
        mitzvah of mishloach manot. According to   1:5). Mari bar Mar used to send chulia,
        the Terumat HaDeshen, mishloach manot are
        supposed to be used by the recipient at the   another kind of sweets (Rashi, chulia).
                                            From these cases we can learn that it is
        Purim seudah, and candies are not usu-
        ally eaten at the meal. On the other hand,   permissible to send sweets in mishloach
                                            manot, and it is likely that Rambam and
        according to the Manot HaLevi, the delivery   the Shulchan Aruch, who mentioned meat,
        of the dishes is intended to increase the                                       Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon
        unity of the people of Israel, and so it is   cooked dishes and foods, did not intend   is Head of Mizrachi’s Educational
                                            to forbid sending sweets. This is how
        necessary to send foods that will be used                                  Advisory Board and Rabbinic Council.
        by the recipient and strengthen the bond   the halacha is written (Sheyarei Knesset   He serves as the Chief Rabbi of Gush
                                            Hagedolah, Hagahot Tur, 10; Chayei Adam,
        between him and the giver. Sweets defi-  155:31)                           Etzion, Rosh Yeshivah of the Jerusalem
        nitely meet this criteria.                                                College of Technology and is the Founder
        Is it possible to find clarity from the                                    and Chairman of Sulamot and La'Ofek.
        wording used by the Rambam and the  Halacha l’Ma’aseh                               Join me at the
        Shulchan Aruch? Rambam (2:15) writes   Practically, it appears that there is a hiddur   World Orthodox Israel Congress  Est.          1902
        that one should send “two portions of   mitzvah, an enhancement of the mitzvah, to  120 YEARS OF RELIGIOUS ZIONISM
        meat or two kinds of cooked foods or two   give foods that are intended for the Purim
        kinds of food”, and the Shulchan Aruch also   seudah. But certainly, according to the
        uses similar language (695:4). The simple   halacha, one fulfills the mitzvah of giving
        understanding of their words implies   mishloach manot by giving candies and
        that you should specifically send food,   sweets. Of course, in addition to giving
        not sweets.

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