Page 49 - HaMizrachi Purim 5783 USA
P. 49

Purim: Reconnecting

                          with Our True Selves

                                               Rabbi Reuven Taragin

        The  sin                            The consequences of this dual identity can   connect to, interact with, and are deeply
                                            be severe. Even if we avoid full assimila-  immersed in the broader world. The
             he students were struggling to find an   tion into the surrounding culture, we are   impersonal communication so prevalent
             answer. Why were the Jews of Achash-  often unable to truly be ourselves. Over   online allows us to cultivate multiple iden-
             verosh’s empire threatened with   time, the values we “pretend” to believe
        Tannihilation? What terrible sin had   become who we truly are!         tities. But do our multiple identities and
        they committed? Perhaps they were being                                 immersion in the broader culture blur our
                                                                                true identity and beliefs?
        punished for participating in the hedonis-  For this reason, in the Purim story and
        tic 180-day Shushan feast? If so, responded   throughout the ages,  when the Jews   Though meaningful for all generations,
        their rebbe, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, only   pretended to serve a foreign god and out-  Purim is uniquely relevant to Jews in the
        Shushan’s Jews should have been culpable. 1  wardly identified with their host nation,   21st century. Purim is the time to ensure
                                            G-d acted as if He was severing his rela-  that our engagement with other cultures
        With his students at a loss, Rabbi Shimon   tionship with them by causing those very
        provided the answer. The Jews were pun-  nations to turn against them. Hashem rec-  does not blur our own religious and cul-
        ished for worshiping idols.  If so, asked the   ognizes the grave danger in “pretending”,   tural identity. Though we must try to
                                                                                impact the broader world, we cannot do
        students, why were the Jews ultimately   and does what is necessary to ensure His
        saved? If they were guilty of idolatry, G-d   people do not assimilate.  so at the expense of our own uniqueness.
        should have allowed them to be destroyed!                               As we return to our own Land, may we also
        Rabbi Shimon explained: The Jews were   The moment of truth             return to our true personal and national
                                                                                selves – bayamim hahem bazman hazeh!
        spared because they did not  actually   After Haman’s decree, the Jews faced a
        believe in the idols they physically bowed   moment of truth. Which ‘world’ was their
        to. Though they were forced to bow, it was   real one? What was their true identity?  1.  It seems that participating in the hedonistic meal
        not an expression of their true belief. And   Thankfully, the Jews were able to reconnect   warranted, in principle, a decree of annihilation,
        so Hashem responded in kind, pretending to   with and sharpen their true identity, allow-  indicating that hedonism is deeply problematic.
        decree the Jews’ annihilation, even though   ing Esther to do the same (Esther 7:4). They   Rashi (Esther 4:1) connects idolatry to hedonism.
        he did not actually intend it (Megillah 12a).                           2.  Rashi (“shehishtachavu”) explains that this refers
                                            clarified their identity, and in response,   to a sin in the time of Nevuchadnezzar.
        The commentators ask: If the Jews were   Hashem clarified his true intentions.   3.  See Yechezkel 20:32–34.
        not truly committed to the idols they were   Sefer Tehillim describes G-d as ך ְּ ל ִצ, as our
        forced to bow to, why did Hashem pre-  “shadow”  (121:5).  The  Ba’al  Shem  Tov
        tend to decree their annihilation? Though   explains that G-d’s relationship with us
        bowing down to idols is never justified,   reflects the way we relate to Him. When
        it is not a punishable offense when done   we muffle our identity, He muffles his love
        under duress (Rambam, Avodah Zara 3:6).  and care for us. When we assert our true
                                            selves, He expresses his true love.
                                                                                            Scan here to join Rabbi Taragin’s
        Posturing                                                                        daily Divrei Torah WhatsApp group
        The answer lies in the danger of posturing.   Revealing by concealing
        By nature, people try to relate to the differ-  The costumes we customarily wear on
        ent types of people they interact with. We   Purim remind us that our faces and cloth-
        look for common ground and try to speak   ing may not accurately reflect our true
        each other’s ‘language’. The danger, how-  selves. By wearing costumes and conceal-
        ever, is that by trying to relate to others   ing our external selves on Purim, we emu-
        we can forget our own identity.     late our ancestors by reconnecting with
                                                                                        Rabbi Reuven Taragin
        The challenge of interfacing with others   and embracing our true, internal selves.  is Educational Director of Mizrachi
        while maintaining our cultural indepen-                                      and Dean of the Yeshivat Hakotel
        dence is even greater when we live and   Today’s global village                   Overseas Program.
        function in a foreign society in exile.   The burning issues of the Purim story are
        Despite her status as queen, Esther herself   particularly challenging for people living   Join me at the
        was unable to reveal her true identity in   in the contemporary global village. Even   World Orthodox Israel Congress  Est.          1902
        Achashverosh’s court (Esther 2:20).   Jews living in the Jewish State of Israel                    120 YEARS OF RELIGIOUS ZIONISM

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