Page 10 - HaMizrachi #32 RH-YK 2021 USA
P. 10

                                                                 A SIGN OF

                                                    Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon

                       n order to address the question   whether this is forbidden by Torah law   Even in such a case, however, it is pref-
                       of gardening during Shemitta, we   or only by rabbinic decree.  erable that one harvest in an altered
                       will examine Shemitta from the   Pruning is the removal of branches   manner (e.g., if produce is usually har-
                   Isources.                                                          vested with a tool, one should harvest
                                                     from a tree to stimulate growth. Some   instead by hand).
                                                     authorities maintain that the Torah
                   Labors that are forbidden         prohibition applies only to grape-  This prohibition of harvesting pro-
                   by Torah law                      vines, while the pruning of other trees   duce only applies to produce that has
                                                     is only forbidden by rabbinic decree.   Shemitta sanctity. Therefore, it is per-
                   “Six years you may sow your field and   According to this view, the Torah only   missible to pick fruit during the first
                   six years you may prune your vineyard   prohibits pruning that stimulates the   few months of Shemitta in the ordinary
                   and gather in the yield. But in the sev-  growth of the fruit, as is the case with   manner (since it does not have Shemitta
                   enth year the land shall have a sabbath   a grapevine.             sanctity). On the other hand, fruit that
                   of complete rest, a sabbath of the L-rd:                           has Shemitta sanctity must be picked
                   you shall not sow your field or prune   Plowing is forbidden during  Shem-  in an altered manner, even during
                   your vineyard. You shall not reap the   itta, but there is a disagreement as to   the eighth year, even though planting
                   aftergrowth of your harvest or gather   whether all plowing is forbidden by   is already permissible. The Shemitta
                   the grapes of your untrimmed vines; it   Torah law (which is the prevailing opin-  sanctity of vegetables is determined
                   shall be a year of complete rest for the   ion) or only plowing that accompanies   by the date on which they are picked,
                   land” (Vayikra 25:3–5).           the planting process.            and therefore, from the very beginning
                   These verses contain four labors that   When it comes to harvesting the pro-  of the Shemitta year, they may not be
                   are forbidden to perform during the   duce, by Torah law, it is forbidden to   picked in the ordinary manner, but
                   Shemitta year: sowing, pruning, reaping   gather (picking fruits and other peren-  only in small quantities (as explained
                   and gathering.                    nial crops) or reap (harvesting vege-  in the preceding paragraph), until the
                                                     tables and other annual crops). This   next Rosh Hashanah.
                   Sowing is the burying of seeds in   prohibition stems from the fact that
                   the soil so that crops can grow from   it is forbidden to demonstrate owner-  Labors that are forbidden by
                   them. The prohibition against sowing   ship over the land. It follows that one is   rabbinic decree
                   applies even to plants that do not bear   permitted to harvest a small, non-com-
                   fruit. Planting a seedling or a tree is   mercial quantity of produce that will   In addition to
                   also forbidden, but the Poskim disagree   suffice for one’s family for several days.   the labors

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