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Yom Kippur as Purification

                                                     Rabbi Reuven Taragin

                   Day of purification               Shaarei Teshuva (1:9) and Mesilat   means committing) ourselves fully to
                                                     Yesharim (Chapter 17, Midat Hatahara)   Hashem. Even a small chatzizah (sep-
                          hough we generally associate   explain that tahara is about motivation.   aration) renders the ‘immersion’ com-
                          Yom Kippur with atonement,   It is not just about what we do, but why   pletely meaningless.
                          its central thematic verse   we do it. Tahor people are motivated by
                   Tpresents tahara (purification)   fear of G-d and wisdom as opposed to
                   as its goal: “For on this day shall atone-  personal desire.       The return to ourselves
                   ment be made for you, to cleanse you;                              On  a deeper level, the purification
                   from all your sins shall you be clean   This helps us understand why the   process is actually a return to our true
                   before Hashem” (Vayikra 16:30). On Yom   Rambam (Teshuva 7:3) believes that   and natural selves. Man is created by
                   Kippur, Hashem atones for our sins to   teshuva is not only necessary to address   Hashem ‘breathing’ a pure holy soul
                   purify us. This explains the request we   only sin, but also improper character   into him.  We need look no further than
                   make of Hashem in each of our Shabbat   traits. Purification is not just about   inside ourselves to find Hashem’s holi-
                   and Yom Tov prayers: ך ּ ְד ְב ָע ְל ּונ ֵּב ִל ר ֵה ַט ְו   correcting particular actions, but more   ness. When we do so, we return to Him
                   ת ֶמ ֱא ֶּב, “purify our hearts to serve You   broadly about personal improvement.  and facilitate the regeneration of our
                   in truth.”                                                         natural holy soul.  As we recite each
                   Yom Kippur purifies both the  Beit   How we purify                 morning: “My G-d, the soul You gave me is
                   HaMikdash and the Jewish people. This   The conclusion of the Yom Kippur verse   pure… You blew it into me and You preserve
                   is why the Yom Kippur Torah readings   – ‘titharu’ – commands us to purify   it within me…”
                   from Parashat Acharei Mot are about the   ourselves.  The Kohen Gadol makes a   Yom Kippur is the time when this
                   Beit HaMikdash in the morning (chapter   point of reminding us of this responsi-  self-purification is most possible and
                   16) and the Jewish people after Mincha   bility at the height of the Yom Kippur
                            1 2
                   (chapter 18 ).                    atonement service. When the people   powerful. Let’s do our best to take full
                                                                                      advantage of the opportunity.
                                                     prostrated themselves in response to
                   The damage of sin                 his utterance of G-d’s sacred name in
                                                     his viduyim (confessions), he directs the   1
                   We are, of course, familiar with tahara                              Chapter 18 describes sexual sins as defiling us
                   as ritual purity. What does it mean in   word ‘titaharu’ to them. He tells them   (verses 20, 23, and 24). The next verses (25–30)
                                                                                      describe how these sins defile the Land as well.
                                                     that it is not enough to observe the
                   the personal spiritual context?                                    See also Bamidbar 35 which depicts murder as
                                                     Kohen’s purification service. We need   defiling the Land.
                   Understanding spiritual purity hinges   to purify ourselves. When we do so,
                   on recognizing that sin defiles us. Sin is   Hashem completes the process for us.  2   This explains the centrality of purity to Yom
                   not just wrong and punishable, it also                             Kippur ritual which can be seen in the need for
    Scan here to join   impacts who we are. Mitzvah fulfillment   Purifying ourselves is easier said than   tevila (10 times by the Kohen Gadol and customarily
                                                                                      performed by all males before Yom Kippur) and
     Rabbi Taragin’s   sanctifies; transgression defiles.  done. How do we do it? The Mishna   the custom to wear white.
    daily Divrei Torah                               at the end of Masechet Yoma gives us
    WhatsApp group  Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin (Nefesh   direction by describing G-d Himself as   3   See also Or HaChayim (Vayikra 11:43).
                   Hachayim 2:8) compares sin to the   the proverbial mikveh through which we   4   See Shaarei Teshuva (2:14, 4:17) who sees this
                   consumption of unhealthy foods. Just   are meant to purify ourselves.  Hashem   phrase as the basis of the unique obligation to do
                   as the former damages physical health,   is totally disconnected from all sin and   teshuva on Yom Kippur.
                   so the latter damages spiritual health.  defilement. By reconnecting with Him,   5   Shaarei Teshuva (2:14) summarizes the process.
                   In addition to the spiritual plane, the   we return to a state of purity. Like the   6   See Rambam Mikva’ot (11:12) who also uses
                   Gemara in Yoma (39a) depicts how   Kohen Gadol who immerses himself 10   mikveh immersion as a model for personal purifi-
                   sin damages even one’s intellectual   times over the course of Yom Kippur   cation. Shaarei Teshuva 4:17 speaks also of teshuva
                                                                                      as necessary for tahara. Obviously, purification is
                   capacity. 3                       and then enters the cloud of Hashem   only possible once we have distanced ourselves
                                                     (created by the ketoret) within the holi-  from and atoned for our sins.
                   The goal                          est part of Hashem’s sanctuary, we also   7   D’rush L’Shabbat Shuva.
                                                     are meant to immerse ourselves in our
                   “Create for me a pure heart, O G-d; and   connection with Hashem. 6  8   Bereishit 2:7 with Rashi and Ramban.
        A member of   renew a steadfast spirit within me”
        the Mizrachi                                 After elaborating on this notion, the   9   Orot Hateshuvah 15:10.
      Speakers Bureau  (Tehillim 51:12).             Maharal  emphasizes that, just like   Rabbi Reuven Taragin is Educational Director
                                                            7  David Hamelech taught that the heart,   immersion in an actual mikveh, we only   of Mizrachi and Dean of the Yeshivat HaKotel
           speakers  spirit, and soul must be purified.   achieve tahara by connecting (which   Overseas Program.

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