Page 25 - HaMizrachi #32 RH-YK 2021 USA
P. 25

American Jews), I felt a sort of dull, con-  as well. If you talk to a lot of askanim in   emboldened over the last few years
      stant panic that we can’t get in, unless   the Orthodox community, off the record,   because of the political climate in the
      we make Aliyah. The feeling that we   they have quite positive memories of   United States.
      can’t just go there whenever we want   working with him, of situations where
      is very painful.                  he had their back on various things.   With more considerable economic insta-
                                        This past year, shockingly, looked very   bilities, identity politics and nationalism
      Many people are also rethinking things.   different.  He  posted  a  critical  tweet   on the rise, it’s not surprising to any
      If you’re stuck in one place, where do   about the Jewish community after thou-  student of history that antisemitism
      you want to be? Where’s that one place   sands of Chassidim attended an outdoor
      that you want to be? I’ve seen quite   funeral for their Rebbe. He attacked the   is on the rise here as well. I think it is
      a few families end up buying homes   community for it.              here to stay, and it is here to stay in New
      in Israel this past year, even without                              York as well. It is painful, but we have
      seeing it and considering Aliyah more   But even so, I don’t think it was due to   to understand that this is the reality of
      seriously.                        antisemitism.                     being a Jew in a time of galut.

      That being said, I don’t think people   I think  it was  a  terrible  and  poorly   Those of us who imagined that America
      are moving en masse out of New York   worded statement, and it was undoubt-  would forever be different were being
      City, specifically. People are weighing   edly dangerous in that it could incite   slightly delusional and naive.
      their options. There has been financial   more hatred. But I don’t think it came
      instability and Covid questions, so it’s   from hatred itself.      We are not the first Jews to be welcomed
      not just antisemitism pushing people to   At the same time, I don’t think de Blasio   by foreign countries, experience golden
      make these decisions. It’s one of several   has been the smartest person in the way   ages in the Diaspora, and imagine our-
      factors.                          he’s run New York City. It’s a general fail-  selves finally stable, comfortable, and
                                        ure of leadership. And one of the ways it   fully integrated.
                                        manifests itself is through his poor deci-  This story has played out before. I’m
      Mayor Bill de Blasio strongly criti-  sions regarding minority communities   very mindful of that.
      cized and singled out the New York   like the Orthodox community.
      Jewish community during the                                         And so we must trust in G-d and figure
      Covid pandemic, eliciting an angry                                  out the best way to protect ourselves.
      response from many Jews. Do you   Do you believe that the rise in   When we see disturbing things happen-
      believe that his statements were   antisemitism will pass, or is    ing in the public arena, we have to stand
      rooted in antisemitism?           antisemitism in New York here to   up and speak up.
      I do not believe his statements are rooted   stay?
      in antisemitism, and I say this because I   I am a daughter of Soviet Jewish immi-  Over the last few years, I’ve been talking
      know his history. Look at New York City   grants, so I was always raised with this   more and more about what it’s like to
      politics over the last few years. You’ll   feeling and awareness that antisemi-  be a visibly Jewish person walking in
      see that before he became mayor, he   tism is not going anywhere. Before this   New York City; what it means to be an
      had a solid relationship not only with   past year, I was always conscious of it   Orthodox Jew in this city, where you
      the Jewish community generally but   and knew that it existed under the sur-  are wearing a target on your back. It’s
      with the Orthodox Jewish community   face. It’s just that it has been far more   crucial that these realities are voiced. n

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