Page 28 - HaMizrachi #32 RH-YK 2021 USA
P. 28

“They came to a place of

                 darkness and brought light.”

                    The tragic collapse of Champlain Towers South in the Surfside neighborhood of
                   Miami on the night of June 24 has hit the Jewish community particularly hard as
                      many of the missing residents were members of local Orthodox synagogues.


                 JOE ZEVULONI is an Israeli-
                 American entrepreneur,
                 founder of Simcha Layeladim
                 ( and organizer
                 of Strong for Surfside, a
                 volunteer network that
                 provided thousands of kosher
                 meals to first responders and
                 family members of victims
                 of the Surfside collapse.

                 When Champlain Towers collapsed,
                 the Surfside community was devas-
                 tated, literally overnight. How did
                 Strong for Surfside, your network
                 of volunteers, emerge from this hor-
                 rific catastrophe?
                 When Champlain Towers collapsed,
                 Surfside was in absolute chaos. The
                 scope of what happened was over-
                 whelming. Thousands of people were
                 streaming into the community – rela-
                 tives of the victims, emergency workers,
                 rescue personnel, police and fire depart-
                 ments. All of this emergency personnel   bureaucrats in the area to tackle the   Surfside’s community center, about half
                 needed support; food, supplies and so   logistical problems, I got nowhere.  a mile from Champlain Towers.
                 on.                               Fortunately, we  didn’t  have to wait   Together, we dove in and repurposed
                 People were helpless, and government   for the government to get started. My   Eli’s kitchen to prepare over 3,000 high
                 officials seemed vulnerable too. When   friend, Eli Ginsburg, is the owner of   quality kosher meals a day – teriyaki
                 I  approached  the  mayor  and  other   Surf-n-Sides, a kosher restaurant in   salmon, rib eye steak; you name it.

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