Page 34 - HaMizrachi #32 RH-YK 2021 USA
P. 34

                          Unforgiving Age

                                              Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ל״צז

                       n 2015, Sir Tim Hunt, a British   Here is a man condemned because   Ishmaelites… for he is our brother, our
                       Nobel Prize-winning scientist, vis-  of somebody else’s selfie with him,   flesh and blood…” (Bereishit 37:26–27)
                       ited South Korea. While speaking   somebody else’s t-shirt, with no trial,
                   Ithere, he made a bad joke about   no evidence, no judicial process, no   Yehudah sold his brother as a slave –
                                                                                      an actual, real sin. And yet Yehudah
                   women in laboratories that fell flat. It   reflective moral judgment, no “you
                   was a silly joke, which he immediately   shall inquire, and research, and ask   became the ancestor of Israel’s Kings.
                                                                                      But he also became much more than
                   admitted and apologized for. How-  diligently”(Devarim 13:15), no effort to   that. We bear his name. We are called
                   ever, someone tweeted the joke and   examine the evidence well and see if   Jews, Yehudim, because we are named
                   it went viral. After that, he became   the thing is true. Nothing but simple   after Yehudah. Why? Because he was
                   the target of an online shaming cam-  condemnation.                forgiven. And why was he forgiven?
                   paign, which ultimately forced him to                              Because he owned up and said, “But we
                   resign his positions at University Col-  I happen to have the privilege of know-  were guilty.” As we recite in the Selichot:
                   lege London, the Royal Society and the   ing Jordan Peterson. I went to inter-  “What more can we say to justify our-
                   European Research Council, and turned   view him at his home in Toronto, and   selves?... G-d has uncovered our guilt.”
                   him into a pariah. This happened even   we had a long conversation together.   (Bereishit 44:16)
                   though he obviously was only making   Here is a serious human being, a man
                   a joke (immediately afterward in his   whose work is intensely moral, pro-  What’s more, he changed: From the
                   talk, he said, “Science needs women.”)   foundly spiritual and intellectually   person who sold his brother as a slave,
                   It happened even though his wife is a   challenging. A person who is focused   Yehudah became the person who was
                   distinguished scientist, even though he   on taking responsibility for his life.   willing to spend the rest of his life as
                   apologized time and time again, and   Not blaming other people, but taking   a slave so that his brother Benjamin
                   even though fellow scientists defended   responsibility. And yet – nothing was   could go free. He became a Ba’al Teshu-
                   him. Despite it all, he was condemned   said in his defense.       vah. Yosef, his brother, forgave him. G-d
                   without trial, without consideration                               forgave him, and it is his name we bear.
                   of the evidence, due process, appeal,                              Let me give you a second example.
                   mercy, regard to his lifetime of service                           Here I speak of a King of Israel whose
                   to science, and the simple fact that he                            behavior was... well, how can I put it? In
                   was a human being and human beings                                 the immortal words of the late Leonard
                   make mistakes. Ours is an unforgiving   Nobody gave them a chance   Cohen: “Your faith was strong, but you
                   age.                                 to say, ‘I’m sorry,’ to explain   needed proof. You saw her bathing on
                                                             or to be forgiven.       the roof; her beauty and the moonlight
                   Jordan Peterson is a psychologist at
                   the University of Toronto and probably                             overthrew you.”
                   the most followed public intellectual   Here was a man who made an ill-  King David committed adultery with
                   globally. He has a massive following   judged joke, and here was a man who   somebody else’s wife and then sent
                   because he’s a counter-cultural figure   unwittingly took a selfie together with   her husband to the army’s frontline.
                   and dares to challenge politically cor-  somebody wearing an inappropriate   This was a horrendous sin, an appall-
                   rect positions.                                                    ing crime. And yet, he became Israel’s
                                                     t-shirt. And yet these were the people
                   Somebody discovered, somewhere on   for whom, in Maimonidies words:   greatest King and the most remark-
                   Facebook, that an unknown person had   “The gates of repentance were closed.”   able religious poet the world has ever
                   taken a selfie with Jordan Peterson. The   Nobody gave them a chance to say, “I’m   known. Why? Because he was forgiven.
                   man who took the selfie was wearing a   sorry,” to explain or to be forgiven.  And why was he forgiven? Because he
                   t-shirt with an insulting slogan. Now,                             said in the shortest form of Selichot ever
                   hundreds of people on that night took   Now consider two people who  did   delivered, “Chatati.” “I have sinned.”
                                                     commit great wrongs – wrongs so bad
                   selfies with Jordan Peterson. He had   we would understand if what they did   But he also said, “My sin is in front of me
                                                                                      all the time.” (Tehillim 51:4) Meaning, I
                   no opportunity to scrutinize what the   was unforgivable.
                   people were wearing. He had no idea                                will never, for one minute, forget that I
                                                                                      sinned. And so he was forgiven.
                   what was written on the t-shirt, and yet   Think of a young man who said:
                   he was condemned. Ours is an unfor-  “What profit will we get if we kill our   Yehudah and King David were Ba’alei
                   giving age.                       brother? Come, let us sell him to the   Teshuvah who confessed and apologized

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