Page 38 - HaMizrachi #32 RH-YK 2021 USA
P. 38

Light after Darl<ness

                                           From the I<il<ayon to Covid

                                                  Chief Rabbi  Ephraim Mirvis

                   A                                 Our  Yamim  Noraim  Torah  readings   timeless  covenant  with  Avraham,
                             the world attempts to come
                                                                                       saying, "I  will greatly bless you and
                             o terms with the countless
                                                     reflect this outlook. On the first day of
                            challenges  presented  by   Rosh Hashanah, we read the dramatic   greatly multiply your  descendants"
                             he Coronavirus pandemic,   account of how Hagar and Yishmael,   (Bereishit 22:17).
                   the word 'resilience' has gained new   cast into a  barren wilderness, drank
                                                                                       Hashem destroyed the kikayon. But He
                   popularity in the global lexicon. Yet,   their last drops of water and feared the
                                                                                       then used Yonah's experience to teach
                   the term is inadequate as a response   worst. Hagar placed her child behind a
                   to adversity.                     bush, not wishing to see him die. But,   us one of the most fundamental princi-
                                                                                       ples of Judaism - that all life is sacred.
                                                     at that moment of profound personal
                   'Resilience'  comes  from  the  Latin,
                                                     anguish, an Angel of Hashem appeared   While our tradition, therefore, justifi-
                   meaning to recoil or rebound. It implies
                                                     to  her  and  said,  "Do  not  be  afraid,   ably encourages positivity amid adver-
                   that, over time, we can return to where
                                                     Hashem  has  heard the  boy crying"   sity, the Ram barn goes one step further.
                   we started. But, as any Shoah survivor
                                                     (Bereishit 21:17). Hashem then opened   He observes that "the transition from
                                   will  attest,  real
                                                     her eyes and she saw a well of water.   trouble to ease gives  more pleasure
                                   adversity  cannot
                                   merely be shrugged   Similarly, on the second day of Rosh   than continual ease" (Moreh Nevuchim
                                   off.  It  remains  a   Hashanah,  we  read  how  Avraham   3:24).  This is  a  challenging concept,
                                   part of you for the   Avinu was about to do the unthink-  particularly for those who have expe-
        'Resilience' comes from the   rest of your life.   able, to sacrifice his child in service of   rienced great pain and suffering. Yet,
        Latin, meaning to recoil or                  Hashem. Yet again, at the most critical   the Rambam goes on to point out that
                                   The Israeli psychol-  moment, an Angel called out to Avra-  "the Israelites would not have been able
         rebound. It implies that,   ogist  and  Nobel   ham,  "Do  not  reach  out your  hand   to conquer the land and prevail over its
        over time, we can  return to   Laureate, Professor
                                                     against the boy" (Bereishit 22:12).   inhabitants if they had not previously
       where we started. But, as any   Daniel Kahneman,                                undergone the vicissitudes of their tra-
      Shoah survivor will attest, real   points out that neg-  On Yorn Kippur, we read that when the   vails in the wilderness."
                                                     kikayon plant, under which Yonah had
        adversity cannot merely be   ative  experiences
                                   loom  larger  and   been sheltering from the desert sun,   Often, quite remarkably, it is in encoun-
      shrugged off. It remains a part
                                   feel  more  intense   was destroyed, his suffering was so   tering  significant  challenges  that
       of you for the rest of your life.             great that he begged for death. From   people reach the most extraordinary
                                   than positive expe-
                                                     here Hashem taught Yonah a lesson - if   levels of human achievement. Hashem
                                   riences.  However,
                                                     he could grieve so profoundly over a   has taught us repeatedly throughout
                   he maintains that it is possible to train
                                                     plant, how much more precious were   our history, and reinforces very pow-
                   ourselves to take better control of how
                                                     the lives of the inhabitants of Nineveh!   erfully for us over the Yamim Noraim,
                   our minds process these happenings.
                   We  can derive inspiration from  the   All of these examples have something   that adversity is temporary. Eventually,
                   Torah account of creation: "And there   striking in common - their cause and   the darkness will give way to the light
                   was evening and there was morning"   effect.                        and when it does so, we can emerge
                   (Bereishit 1:5). Morning always follows                             strengthened by the trust that we have
                                                     Hagar and Yishmael were cast away
                   evening; darkness always gives way to                               placed in Him.
                                                     because Hashem instructed Avraham
                   light. Recognition of the fact that adver-
                                                     to  heed the  concerns  of Sarah. Yet,
                   sity will always be followed by deliver-
                                                     Hashem then promised that "a great
                   ance helps us withstand hardship and
                                                     nation"  would  be  descended  from
                   see that, just as there is  a  certainty                            Rabbi  Ephraim  Mirvis is  the Chief Rabbi  of
                   about night and day, adversity can be                               the  United  Hebrew Congregations  of the
                   an unavoidable and necessary part of   The Akeida was a direct commandment   Commonwealth, and  serves  as  President of
                   what it is to be human.           from Hashem. Yet,  He then made His   Mizrachi UK.
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