Page 43 - HaMizrachi #32 RH-YK 2021 USA
P. 43

Yamim Noraim Tefillot

                                                 KOL NIDREI

             The Journey We Started Together

                                       Rebbetzin Abby Lerner

             ach year we enter a packed   are set to, the opposite of the sanctity   these famous words in response to
             shul, a little out of breath,   of this moment.             Moshe’s prayer for the Jewish people
             a little too full, somewhat                                 after the sin of the Golden Calf. Rabbi
      Eover-hydrated, and we find       Yom Kippur is Matan Torah – a re-enact-  Yochanan teaches that G-d himself
      our seats. Everyone is in white sneak-  ment of the tragic, failed first attempt   was cloaked in a tallit as a Ba’al Tefillah
      ers looking somewhat strange with   on the 17th of Tammuz. G-d says to   as He taught Moshe the 13 Attributes
      our finest Shabbat attire, all the men   Moshe: “They have made themselves a   of Mercy, to teach us that when the
      in tallitot. A hush falls over the crowd   molten calf, prostrated themselves to it   Jewish people sin, the  Ba’al Tefillah,
      and we can’t believe that this is really   and sacrificed to it and they said, ‘This   similarly cloaked, should recite the 13
      it. The Torahs have left the aron and are   is your god, oh Israel who brought you   Attributes to achieve atonement for
      lying before us, also clothed in white.   out of the land of Egypt.’” (Shemot 32:8)   them (Rosh Hashanah 17b).
                                        What is G-d’s response to this? “And
      ה ָח ְמׂ ִש ב ֵל י ֵר ׁש ִי ְלּו קי ּ ִדּ ַצ ַל  ַע ֻר ָז רֹוא, “Light is   now [Moshe] desist from Me. Let My   On  Kol Nidrei  night,  G-d  and  the
      planted for the righteous and hap-  anger flare up against them and I shall   Jewish people are all wear-
      piness for those who are upright of   annihilate them; and I shall make you   ing  tallitot. The Scrolls
      heart.” Perhaps, at this moment, we   a great nation.” (Ibid 32:10).  are lying before us as
      really are tzadikim – at least for these                           we  prepare  again  to
      fleeting seconds on this holiest of days.  ל ֵחַי אל ...ה ָע ֻב ְ ׁש ע ַב ָּׁש ִה ֹוֽ ’ה ַל ר ֶד ֶנ ר ּ ִי י ִּ כ  ׁשי ִא   receive the Torah,
                                        ֹור ָב ְ ּ ד, “When a man makes a promise
      ל ׁש ה ָבי ׁשי ִּב ל ָה ָּק ַה ת ַע ּ ַד ל ַע ְו םֹוק ּ מ ַה ת ַע ּ ַד ל ַע   to Hashem or swears... he may not   this time in purity.
      ל ֵּל ּ פ ְת ִה ְל ןי ִרי ּ ת ַמ ּונ ָא ,ה ּ ט ַמ ל ׁש ה ָבי ׁשי ִבּו ה ָל ְע ַמ   profane his words” (Bamidbar 30:3).   G-d and the Jewish
      םי ִנ ָי ְר ַב ֲע ָה ם ִע, “With the consent of the   Our words are sacred. Rabbi Yehuda   people are all reciting
      Almighty, and consent of this congre-  explains that the words “he may not   the ancient formula
      gation, in a convocation of the heavenly   profane his words” imply that while   of  Hatarat Nedarim
      court, and a convocation of the lower   the speaker himself may not reverse his   together. Kol Nidrei… For-
      court, we hereby grant permission to   unwise oath by himself, others can help   give us the folly of our words.
      pray with transgressors.” Our shul has   him do so. This is the basis for the laws   “And Hashem said, ‘I forgive them
      solemnly been turned into a heavenly   of “Hatarat Nedarim,” the annulment of   as you requested.’” G-d walks back his   Jews Praying in
      and earthly courtroom as we invite all   vows (Chagiga 10a).       promise to destroy the Jewish people.   the Synagogue
      sinners to join the service where we                               We, Klal Yisrael, retract our shout to the   on Yom Kippur
      will all be judged.               וי ָקל ֱא ’ה י ֵנ ּ פ ת ֶא ה ׁשֹמ ל ַח ְי ַו, “And Moshe   Golden Calf, “This is your god.” The   by Polish Jewish
                                        sought the face of Hashem, his G-d.”   final, glorious spoken words of Yom   artist Maurycy
      And then… “Kol Nidrei.” The haunting   (Shemot 32:11) In the wake of the   Kippur are “םי ִקל ֱא ָה אּוה 'ה.” Kol Nidrei has   Gottlieb, 1878
      melody, the repetition, the gradual   Golden Calf and G-d’s desire to anni-  manifested its magical powers to set
      crescendo as more and more people   hilate the Jewish people, Moshe turns   Klal Yisrael and G-d back on the journey
      join in more loudly and with greater   to G-d and, with the same word used   we started together.
      confidence. You don’t want it to end   to describe the reversal of  nedarim,
      – this magical, spiritual, communal   beseeches Him until the promise to
      moment. You look down at the words,   annihilate is undone (Brachot 32a). This   Rebbetzin Abby Lerner serves as the first
      at the Aramaic text,  at the English   was an act of Hatarat Nedarim; Hashem   National Director of Conversion Services for
      translation. What does this mean? The   “reconsidered” what He had said He   Geirus Policies and Standards, a network of
      glory of the light of the tzadikim, the   would do.                conversion courts. Previously, she taught at
      pathos of the sinners of history united                            Yeshiva University High School for Girls and
      over time – and now these words? They   Throughout the Yom Kippur prayers,   served as the Rebbetzin of the Young Israel of
      seem cold, dry, legal, meaningless – a   we recite, over and over again, the 13   Great Neck in New York. She and her husband
      contradiction to the very melody they   Attributes of Mercy. G-d proclaimed   recently made Aliyah.
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