Page 48 - HaMizrachi #32 RH-YK 2021 USA
P. 48

Eretz Yisrael in Chassidut

                                                      Shoshana Judelman

                                                     “Whoever is worthy sees it!” Upon hear-  a glimpse of the shining spark of G-dli-
                                                     ing these words, Rabbi Avraham Dov   ness that Hashem puts in everything
                                                     secluded himself and spent months   and everyone.
                                                     davening to Hashem and begging for   The very air of Eretz Yisrael can help
                                                     His help.
                                                                                      strengthen our ability to see G-dliness
                                                     After an entire year, Rabbi Avraham   because, as we learn from the Gemara,
                                                     Dov emerged from his seclusion and   “the air of Eretz Yisrael makes one
                                                     expressed gratitude that the meshu-  wise.” (Bava Batra 158b) Rebbe Nach-
                                                     lach had spoken to him so forcefully.   man of Breslov teaches that this is so
                                                     “Because of the strength of his words,   because “the eyes of G-d Almighty are
                                                     I worked so hard to be worthy and,   continually upon it, from the begin-
                                                     indeed, I now see that his words were   ning of the year to the end” (Devarim
                                                     true, the rocks of Eretz Yisrael are truly   11:12) and eyes signify awareness and
                                                     precious gems.”                  wisdom. Eretz Yisrael is filled with
                                                                                      His presence, but our ability to feel it
                                                     How can we tap into the energy of
                                                     seeing like the Bat Ayin, with our hearts   depends on our deeds, our davening,
                                                                                      and our continuous efforts to come
                                                     and souls instead of with only our phys-  closer to Him.
                                                     ical senses? How can we even begin to
                                                     tap into the energy of Eretz Yisrael?  One of Israel’s most confusing and
                                                                                      heart-breaking sites is the Kotel, where
                                                     We know that what we see with our   our holy Beit HaMikdash should but does
                                                     eyes is not the whole picture; we see   not yet stand. And yet, it is there that
                                                     the material world around us but not   we go to daven and pour out our hearts
                                                     the deeper truth beneath the surface.   to The One Above because it is a spir-
                                                     We learn from the prophets that “the   itual window of potential connection,
                                                     whole world is filled with His Glory,”
                                                     (Isaiah 6:3) that our mission in life is to   a gateway through which the tefillot of
                                                                                      the whole world ascend together to the
                                                     seek out the G-dliness that is hidden in
                          he Bat Ayin, Rabbi Avraham   every aspect of existence.     Heavenly Throne above. If we open our
                          Dov of Avritch, had always                                  hearts, we can feel the tears, gratitude
                          yearned to live in Eretz HaKo-  In the Shema, the Torah tells us not to   and yearning of generations past and
                   Tdesh. One day, a tzedakah col-   “wander after your hearts and after   present.
                   lector arrived from Tzfat and the Bat   your eyes after which you are going   May Hashem bless each one of us this
                   Ayin asked him about living in Eretz   astray.” The Sfat Emet points out that   year with renewed courage to seek
                   Yisrael. “It is so beautiful,” responded   according to Rashi, the Torah’s use of   deeper relationships and the strength
                   the meshulach, “that even the rocks and   “wander,” which derives from the same   to keep davening for them. May He bless
                   stones are like precious gems!” Upon   linguistic root as the instruction to the   us to harness the power of possibility
                   hearing these words, the Bat Ayin could   spies to “scout out the Land,” teaches   and connection of Eretz Yisrael to see
                   no longer hold back and, in 1830 at the   us that the eyes and the heart are the   beyond the physical to the precious
                   age of 65, he made Aliyah.        “spies” of the body. When a person sees   gems in one another.
                                                     everything on a materialistic level, they
                   A year later he met that same meshu-  are in danger of falling prey to super-
                   lach in Tzfat. “And?” asked the meshu-  ficial temptations and a skewed view
                   lach, eagerly awaiting Rabbi Avraham   of the world. True sight comes from a   Shoshana Judelman teaches Chassidut for
                                                                                      Shiviti Women’s Institute in Jerusalem and
                   Dov’s reaction. “Indeed, our Land is   life spent connecting to the One Above   in the Shirat David Community in Efrat, and
                   wonderful and holy as you described,”   and continuously working towards per-  guides at Yad Vashem. Shoshana holds a BA in
                   observed the Bat Ayin, “but when you   sonal growth. With enough persistence,   History and an MA in Jewish History. She lived
                   said the stones are like gems, that was   we can grow an appreciation for depth   around the world, including in New Jersey,
                   an exaggeration!” The meshulach stared   over beauty, experiences over objects,   Western Australia and Pennsylvania before
                   at Rabbi Avraham Dov and declared,   and love over ego. We might even catch   settling in Israel in 2013.

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