Page 53 - HaMizrachi #32 RH-YK 2021 USA
P. 53

Arba’a Minim

                                          4 CHAYALIM

                                                                       For many years the Israel Defense

                                                                       Forces have supplied its soldiers
                                                                       with Arba’a Minim for Sukkot. Due to
                                                                       budgetary restrictions and planning
                                                                       complications, there aren’t enough
                                                                       sets to accommodate the soldiers
                                                                       interested in fulfilling this mitzva.

                                                                       In 2020, Sergeant Yisrael (Sruli) Wiener’s
                                                                       unit in the Kfir infantry brigade had only
                                                                       fifteen sets for over a hundred soldiers.

                                                                             Now a commander in the IDF, Sruli
                                                                              created Arba’a Minim 4 Chayalim, in
                                                                             coordination with the IDF, to supply
                                                                            Arba’a Minim to the almost 5000
                                                                         active and reserve soldiers – men and
                                                                       women – interested in receiving them.

                                                                       Your donation will help ensure delivery of
                                                                       quality Arba’a Minim sets for our troops,
                                                                       which can be accompanied by a personal
                                                                       note, enhancing the connection with our


        Donation opportunities

        Individuals can donate:
        1 set $27  |  2 sets $54  |  3 sets $81  |  5 sets $135  |  10 sets $270  |  50 sets $1350
                                                                                          For more information
        An opportunity for Bar/Bat Mitzva:                                                and to donate, visit
        For $54, two sets connect the celebrant with a soldier, creating a connection of
        generosity and chesed
                                                                                          Donations via Shir Hadash are tax
        Communities, shuls and schools may sponsor an entire Company:                     deductible in Israel and within the
        Small Company, 200 sets ($5,400)  |  Large Company, 400 sets ($10,000)            United States, UK and Canada.
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