Page 40 - HaMizrachi Shavuot 5783 USA
P. 40

From Moav and the UK

        to the Hills of Beit Lechem

                     In Memory of Lucy Dee hy”d

                                          Rabbanit Shani Taragin

                early a month has passed since   with friends at the annual Women’s Beit   reflected upon Lucy as “a phenomenal
                that fateful Friday of  Chol   Midrash shiur and breakfast with tears in   teacher, making it into a mission to teach
                HaMoed Pesach when Lucy (Leah)   her eyes, appreciative of the opportunity   English and invest in her students. She
        NDee (48), from the Zayit neigh-    to learn and celebrate only a few miles   never spoke lashon hara. If she didn’t agree,
        borhood in Efrat and an olah (immigrant)   from our cherished city.     she wouldn’t argue but remain quiet.”
        from the United Kingdom, was critically   As I think of Lucy and remember her   Caroline Peyser-Bollag, a family friend,
        injured in a terror attack near the Hamra   together with her close friends and neigh-  remarked, “Lucy was always interested in
        junction in the Jordan Valley on her way   bors, I am struck by numerous remark-  making holiday celebrations fun for her
        to Teveriya. Terrorists fired on the car she   able parallels between Lucy and another   family. She loved connecting with people
        was driving and then shot over 20 bullets   mother from the hills of Beit Lechem: Ruth.   and joining together to celebrate. Lucy
        at close range, killing her daughters Maia   Both Ruth and Lucy left their homelands,   would love to hear or share a dvar Torah
        (20) and Rina (15), who were in the car   their birthplace and their families to come   and then think together about how she
        with her. Lucy was evacuated by military   to the fields of Judea. They were not raised   could turn it into a conversation starter to
        helicopter to Hadassah Medical Center   as observant Jews, but both Ruth and Lucy   engage her kids at the Shabbat table. She
        in Jerusalem. Unfortunately, despite the   pursued lives of Torah observance. At the   put a lot of thought into her parenting and
        heroic efforts of the medical team, she   shiva, the daughter of the Chabad rebbetzin   into providing her children with enrich-
        succumbed to her wounds three days later   who taught Lucy many years ago spoke   ing and meaningful experiences.” Valerie
        and was laid to rest next to her daughters   about Lucy’s unusual curiosity and com-  Pessin described her as an “extraordinary
        in Kfar Etzion, across the road from my   mitment at the young age of twelve!  hands-on mother” who was, in Elana
        home in Alon Shvut. Thousands attended                                  Abelow-Kronenberg’s words, “idealistic,
        her funeral, alternating between songs   Having studied Asian and Near-Eastern   an incredible wife and an extraordinary
        and sobs. The heart-wrenching eulogies of   Studies at Oxford, Lucy lived in Japan for
        her husband, Rabbi Leo Dee, and her sur-  a year while keeping Shabbat and kashrut,   friend.”
        viving children, Keren, Tali and Yehuda,   and later traveled the world with her hus-  Rena May-Juni shared how touched she
        will not soon be forgotten.         band Leo. She served as rebbetzin of the   was when Lucy proactively reached out
                                            communities of Hendon and Radlett, and   and befriended her soon after her Aliyah.
        When tragedy strikes here in Eretz Yis-  like Ruth the Moabite, her priority was   “Lucy craved deep friendships and worked
        rael, we feel the pain on a personal level;
        every Jew is a family member. But certain   her family and their well-being, instilling   tirelessly to maintain these friendships,
        losses hit even closer to home. I had the   in her children the values of Torat chessed.   despite our busy lives as mothers and
        merit to learn regularly with Lucy since   Like Ruth, Lucy taught through example   professional women.”
        she made Aliyah in 2014, through shiurim   and devotion. Rachel Wilk, a close friend   Ruth was willing to sacrifice her past to
        offered by the Women’s Beit Midrash of   of Lucy’s, said that Leo and Lucy insisted   provide Naomi with a future. Not only
        Efrat and Gush Etzion. She assiduously   their children not only adjust to Israel   did she enable Naomi to safely return to
        took notes so as not to miss a single word,   but also become contributors to Israeli   the Land, but she also provided her with
        and after each shiur would wait to say   society, in shul, school, and especially in   a child through Boaz to perpetuate her
        “thank you” and explain how that shiur   their youth organizations. Lucy modeled   family. Like Ruth, Lucy left her homeland
        would change her perspective and actions   this way of life by regularly attending shul   and became a vibrant member of  Am
        going forward. Bumping into each other   with her four daughters and organizing   Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael, committed to her
        in the supermarket, we would continue   community events and shiurim.   family and community in the same hills of
        our Torah discussions in the fruit and   Lucy organized the weekly Shabbat shiur   Yehuda. Both had struggles yet remained
        vegetable aisles. As Yom Yerushalayim   in the Zayit. Her long-time “shiur chavruta”   focused on building, surviving and thriv-
        approaches, I recall how she would sit   and next-door neighbor, Annie Pomerantz,   ing with relentless dedication.

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