Page 43 - HaMizrachi Shavuot 5783 USA
P. 43

Rabbi Dr. Yosef                       Rebbetzin Natalie                     Rabbi Yossi
     Bronstein                             Altman                                Goldin

           n Shavuot night I do not want to just   grew up in a ba’al teshuvah family, received   have personally found that over the years,
           learn Torah. I want to feel enveloped   Chabad schooling and attended a Modern   different seforim and areas of Torah have
           by the mesorah of Torah – the unbro-  Orthodox midrasha in Israel. Upon my return   piqued my interest and kept me up learn-
           ken chain of Jews who studied, argued   to South Africa, I was involved in Ohr Somay-  ing all night on Shavuot. Often the seforim
     Oover and contributed to the Torah from   I  Bnei Akiva and the University Jewish Stu-  II chose reflected the stage in life I was in.
     Sinai until today. I aspire to receive the Torah   dent programme. I am currently the Director   When I was younger, I enjoyed going through
     anew accompanied by the intergenerational   of the Religious Zionist yeshiva day school in   Megillat Ruth with my friends – taking snack
     mesorah-community.                    South Africa.                         breaks every 10 minutes, but also feeling a sense
        For this reason, one of my favorite books   For me, Shavuot is about mesorah (tradition)   of accomplishment at finishing the Megillah
     to learn on Shavuot night is Kunterus Divrei   and the very personal way that each of us   each year. As I entered my years in yeshiva and
     Sofrim of Rav Elchanan Wasserman. Using   express that mesorah. I am curious about the   college, Gemara learning became my area of
     the lens of classic Talmudic methodology,   traditions that take hold over time, the ones   passion and focus and Shavuot night a prime
     the book dives deeply into the role of Torah   that are rejected and those that are personalized   opportunity for a “chazara (review) marathon.”
     scholars throughout the ages as transmitters   and tweaked by different communities and   During my semicha years, my focus shifted to
     and contributors to the mesorah of Torah. In   individuals over generations.  learning halacha in-depth. Years later, a new-
     essay after essay, Rav Elchanan masterfully   A book I could read all through the night   found interest in Torat Eretz Yisrael dominated
     clarifies key meta-questions about the mesorah   is Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski’s Generation to   my attention.
     such as: Which halachot come from G-d, and   Generation: Personal Recollections of a Chassidic   Recently, however, my Shavuot night
     which were developed by the Sages over time?   Legacy. Rabbi Twerski shares personal stories of   learning has once again shifted dramatically.
     Which halachot are immutable, and which can   his family’s Chassidic dynasty through the lens   As a number of my children have reached the
     be changed? What is the source of rabbinic   of Torah and psychology. It is moving to read   ages where they stay up for at least part of
     authority? Kunterus Divrei Sofrim provides a   about the practical, day to day expressions of   Shavuot night, I now spend the night learning
     window into the dynamic interplay between the   the Twerski family’s authentic Torah lifestyle.   with each of my kids, continuing the learning
     Torah G-d gave us at Sinai and the collective   This is the culture I try to create for my own   we do together every Shabbat, but for a longer
     contributions of the Sages.           children and students, and it is important to   amount of time. There is something incredibly
        A student of Rav Chaim of Brisk and the   remind myself of this goal every year.   rewarding about this experience. Aside from
     Chafetz Chaim, Rav Elchanan was deeply rooted   I work with teenagers who are searching for   the Torah learning itself and spending quality
     in the legendary yeshivot of Eastern Europe. His   and shaping their identities, and particularly   time with my children, the opportunity to pass
     lifetime was tragically cut short when he and   their Jewish identity. In his description of his   on the experience of Torah study to the next
     his entire yeshiva were murdered by the Nazis.   father’s home, Rabbi Twerski describes his   generation on Shavuot night, when we celebrate
     Studying Rav Elchanan’s Torah thoughts about   father’s rebuke in three Yiddish words:  “Es   our nation’s kabbalat haTorah and the privilege
     the mesorah is a way of giving him and the Torah   past nisht,” “that is not becoming of you.” Our   that a life of Torah provides us, is profound – and
     that he represents the ultimate victory over the   children face many challenges, distractions and   something I do not take for granted.
     Nazis. Decades after the fall of our enemies, Rav   competitors to their yiddishkeit. When we teach
     Elchanan’s words live on, connecting us to our   them about the great depth of tradition and the
     roots and challenging us to be our own link in   beautiful legacy they must live up to, we help
     the unbroken chain of Torah.          them recognize their own inherent greatness.
                                           It is an inspiring call for them – and us – to live
     Rabbi Dr. Yosef Bronstein is the Rosh Bet Medrash   our best lives.         Rabbi Yossi Goldin is a 9th grade Ra”m at YTA,
     of Machon Zimrat Ha’aretz, a new community Bet                              Israel Immersion Program Coordinator and Place-
     Medrash and rabbinical training program in Kehilat   Rebbetzin Natalie Altman is the Director of Yeshiva   ment Advisor at YU/RIETS Israel, and Coordinator of
     Shirat David in Efrat.                College Schools in Johannesburg, South Africa.  Community Engagement at World Mizrachi/NCYI.

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