Page 3 - HaMizrachi #29 Yom HaAtzmaut 2021 USA
P. 3

                                                                                             TORAT MIZRACHI

                                                                                        Rabbi Doron Perez

                                  Herzl, Hebrew

                                 and Holy Cows


             he tiny State of Israel has become   modern Israel happened after almost   3. Land Blossomed Only Once
             world-famous for its extraordi-  2,000  years. Secondly, all the Israel-  Its Children Returned
      Tnary achievements in so many          ites came out of one country whereas              ּונ ֵּ ת ִּ ת ם ֶ כ ְּ פְנ ַ ע ל ֵ א ָ רׂ ְ שִי י ֵ ר ָ ה ם ֶּ ת ַ א ְ ו
       fields. Jewish immigrants from all over   in the modern era Jews came from over           ל ֵ א ָ רׂ ְ שִי י ִּ מ ַ ע ְ ל ּואׂ ְ ש ִּ ת ם ֶ כְי ְ ר ֶ פּו
       the world returned to their Home-     100 countries. Thirdly, in Egypt all Jews
       land, rebuilt its ruins, revived its barren   lived in one confined, culturally segre-  “But you, O mountains of Israel, sprout your
       wilderness and revitalized its ancient   gated ghetto in Goshen, speaking only   branches and give forth your fruits for My
       language, creating an economic, mili-  Hebrew, whereas Israel has seen the   people Israel” (Yechezkel 36:8).
       tary, social, cultural and technological                                   As the Jewish people returned to the
       power of global renown. Amazingly,    return of Jews from every cultural, polit-  Land, the Land responded in return. The
       these achievements were all clearly   ical and ideological background, speak-  desert has become an oasis and the des-
       foretold by our Prophets.             ing over 80 different languages somehow   olation a blessing. Israel quickly started
       Let us look briefly at the fulfillment of   forged into one functional society.    developing innovative agricultural
       just 10 of those prophecies:                                               expertise and water conservation tech-
                                             2. The Spiritual Alchemy             nologies. The returning Jews have now
       1. The Ingathering of the Exiles      between a Land and a People          planted over 250 million trees and Israel
       ה ָּ מ ָ ׁש ךי ֶ קלֹ־ ֱ א 'ה ך ְ צי ִ פ ֱ ה ר ֶ ׁש ֲ א םי ִּ מ ַ ע ָ ה ל ָּ כ ִ מ ך ְ צ ֶּ ב ִ ק ְ ו  ם ֶ כי ֵ בְיֹא  ָ הי ֶ ל ָ ע ּומ ְ מ ׁ ָ ש ְ ו ץ ֶ ר ָ א ָ ה ת ֶ א יִנ ֲ א י ִ ת ּ ֹמ ׁ ִ ש ֲ ה ַ ו  is the only nation on earth that entered
       “...and He will gather you in from all the   “I will make the Land desolate, and your   the 21st century with more trees than a
       nations to which He the L-rd (your G-d)   adversaries will be desolate on it…” (Vay-  century earlier. It boasts more than 300
       has scattered you (there)…” (Devarim 30:3)  ikra 26:32)                    wineries and its wine, fruits and other
                                                                                  products are exported all over the world.
       Perhaps the greatest miracle of all!  Following the Roman conquest in 70CE,
       In 1840, there were 6,000 Jews living in   the Land of Israel was conquered by 14   4. Renewal of the
       the Land of Israel. By 1917, that number   different empires over 1,900 years. As   Hebrew Language
       grew to 60,000. When the State was    G-d had foretold, the Land remained             ה ָ רּור ְ ב ה ָ פׂ ָ ש םי ִּ מ ַ ע ל ֶ א ך ּ ֹפ ְ ה ֶ א ז ָ א י ִּ כ
       declared in 1948, there were 600,000.   barren to its conquerors despite   “For then I will change the nations [to speak]
       And today there are over 6.7 million   repeated attempts to make it flourish –   one clear language…” (Zephania 3:9) 4
       Jews living in Israel! The Jewish pop-  as if the Land itself was pledging fidelity
       ulation in the Land of Israel climbed   to her children, awaiting their return.    When the first pioneers returned to
       from being of 1% of world Jewry to 6%                                      Israel, Hebrew was not a spoken lan-
       in 1948, to almost half of all Jews in the   In 1867, Mark Twain famously described   guage. No Jewish community and not
       world today.                          the land he saw as ‘a desolation… repul-  one Jewish family spoke to their children
       The Ingathering of the Exiles is perhaps   sive and dreary...with hardly a tree or   in Hebrew. Hebrew was a language of
       a greater miracle than the Exodus from   shrub anywhere… a land covered in   prayer, Torah and scholarship. Herzl,
       Egypt! Firstly, the Exodus came after 210   sackcloth and ashes.”          despite his broad vision for a return
       years of slavery, whereas the return to   Until of course, the return of the Jews.   to Zion, did not believe Hebrew could
                                                                                                     Continued on page 4

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