Page 4 - HaMizrachi #29 Yom HaAtzmaut 2021 USA
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       be revived. Miraculously, Hebrew has   The average Israeli cow produces 12,000       ך ֵ דֹוב ְּ כ םי ִ כ ָ ל ְ מ ל ָ כ ְ ו ך ֵ ק ְ ד ִ צ םִיֹוג ּוא ָ ר ְ ו
       become the lingua franca in Israel and   liters of milk per year. That is the high-              ׁ ש ָ ד ָ ח ם ׁ ֵ ש ך ָ ל א ָ רֹק ְ ו
       is the only language in recorded history   est in the world, more than countries   “Nations will see your righteousness, and
       ever to have been revived by a people   such as the United States and Holland,   all the kings your honor, and you will be
       as their spoken language!             which are renowned for their dairy   called by a new name…” (Yeshayahu 62:2)
                                             production. Even the cows in Israel are
       5. Revival of the Torah World         holy!                                The development of Israel’s foreign
             םיִ ָ ל ׁ ָ שּורי ִ מ 'ה ר ַ ב ְ דּו ה ָ רֹות א ֵ צ ֵּ ת ןֹוּי ִּ צ ִ מ י ִּ כ  “Honey” refers to date honey, and the   relations during the last 30 years is
                                                                                  staggering. The number of countries
       “...For out of Zion shall go forth Torah   large, sweet dates from the Jordan Valley   that have diplomatic relations with
       and the word of G-d from Jerusalem”   are among the finest in the world.    Israel has doubled from 80 to 160.
       (Yeshayahu 2:3)                       8. The Building of Jerusalem         Recently, the Abraham Accords have

       In the early years of the State, you could       ם ָ ד ָ א בֹר ֵ מ םיִ ַ ל ׁ ָ שּורְי ב ׁ ֵ ש ֵּ ת תֹוז ָ ר ְּ פ  demolished barriers which previously
       have put all yeshiva students into a small   “...Jerusalem will be settled beyond   seemed impenetrable, and Israel has
       hall. At the zenith of Lithuanian Jewry,   its walls, because of the multitude of   been able to turn foes into friends.
       no more than 3,000 people were study-  people…” (Zecharia 2:8)             Israel’s achievements are astounding,
       ing Torah full time. In Israel today, there                                whether in science or study, technology
       are close to 200,000 men and women    Jerusalem is the beating heart of Israel.   or Torah, nation-building or universal
       engaged fully in Torah learning in tra-  For centuries, Jerusalem was off limits   blessing. What is even more astounding
       ditional yeshivot, hesder yeshivot, mid-  for Jews. Zecharia envisioned Jerusa-  is that the destiny of this country seems
                                             lem’s population growing so large that
       rashot, mechinot, and more. Arguably,   its walls would not accommodate its   less about politics and more about
       there are more people learning Torah   inhabitants. Until 150 years ago, this   prophecy. Israel is not a new 73-year-
       in Israel today than at any other time   seemed impossible. In 1860, Jews began   old phenomenon but a reincarnation of
       in Jewish history.                    moving beyond the walls and Jerusalem   an ancient one. A modern saga clearly
                                             today is home to over 900,000 inhabi-  foretold by our Biblical seers, who saw
       6. Economic Prosperity                tants and 600,000 Jews!              Jewish history and Israel as a pivotal
                    ...ץ ֶ ר ָ א ָ ה ל ֶ א ךי ֶ קלֹ־ ֱ א ‘ה ך ֲ אי ִ ב ֱ ה ֶ ו    piece in the fulfillment of Jewish destiny
                        ךי ֶ תֹב ֲ א ֵ מ ך ְּ ב ְ ר ִ ה ְ ו ך ְ ב ִ טי ֵ ה ְ ו  9. A Source of Global Blessing   and the progress of human civilization.
       “And the L-rd your G-d will bring you   and Wisdom
       to the Land... and will benefit you and           ה ָ מ ָ ד ֲ א ָ ה תֹח ְּ פ ׁ ְ ש ִ מ ל ּ ֹכ ך ְ ב ּוכ ְ ר ְ בִנ ְ ו  1   Based on an insight of Rav Tzvi Hirsch Chajes
                                                                                      (Maharatz Chayot, Writings, 1:74), regarding
       make you more numerous than your      “...And all nations on earth will be     the nature of the future Redemption.
       forefathers” (Devarim 30:5)           blessed through you” (Bereishit 12:3)  2   See Ramban, Vayikra 26:15.
       The Jewish population in Israel has   Global advancements in the sciences,   3   Rabbi Abba sees the fulfillment of this verse
       increased 10 times since 1948 and its   medicine, agriculture and high tech    as the greatest single sign of the Redemption
                                                                                      (Sanhedrin 98a).
       economy has doubled 40 times! Accord-  have Israel’s fingerprints all over   4   The Ibn Ezra says the language is Hebrew.
       ing to “The Economist,” Israel has dou-  them. Jews the world over have won   5   There is a debate amongst our Sages as to what
       bled its GDP in the past decade alone, a   a disproportionate number of Nobel   בלח and שבד refer to. In short, בלח is either cow
       world record. According to Bloomberg,   Prizes in an array of fields, and Israe-  /goat milk or fruit juice and שבד is either date
                                                                                      honey (silan) or bee honey.
       Israel’s economic stability ranks third in   lis have won more than the Chinese,
       the world! But when it comes to cows –   despite China having more than 150
       we rank number one!                   times Israel population. Israel has the   This article forms the basis of the script
                                             largest concentration of start-ups per   for Mizrachi’s specially produced video
       7. A Land Flowing with                capita anywhere in the world, ensur-  for this Yom HaAtzmaut, ‘Israel, A
       Milk and Honey                        ing its innovations are a source of bless-  Living Prophecy’. Thank you to Rav Hillel
                                             ing to all humanity.                 Van-Leeuwen for his assistance.
          ׁ ש ָ ב ְ דּו ב ָ ל ָ ח ת ַ בָז ץ ֶ ר ֶ א תאֹּז ַ ה ץ ֶ ר ָ א ָ ה ת ֶ א ּונ ָ ל ן ֶּ תִּי ַ ו
       “...And He gave us this Land, a Land flow-  10. Standing Proud Among the   Rabbi Doron Perez is Chief Executive of
       ing with milk and honey” (Devarim 26:9)  Nations and the Abraham Accords   the Mizrachi World Movement.

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