Page 36 - HaMizrachi #29 Yom HaAtzmaut 2021 USA
P. 36


                                                                                       Rabbi Alex Israel

                                Body and Spirit

             heodore Herzl was the man who   they read about in Tanach: sovereignty   there as an eternal inheritance that
             transformed centuries of Zionist   and government, a Land, a national cul-  comes from a covenant, oath and trust.”
      Tyearning into a practical plan. In    ture, an army. Reflecting this, as Ivrit   On Yom HaAtzmaut we celebrate the
       creating the Zionist Congress, he put   developed as a modern language, Bibli-  survival of Medinat Yisrael; the miracle
       a Jewish dream into action, activating   cal Hebrew was preferred to Mishnaic   of the wars of 1948, ’67 and ’73; the mir-
       a series of events which turned vision   Hebrew.  Our Zionist dreamers and   acle of the ingathering of the Exiles; the
       into reality. It was the Dreyfus Affair   pioneers adopted the imagery of the   miracle of Israel thriving economically
       that triggered Herzl’s Zionism. If Jews   Tanach. Achad Ha’am was saying that
       could not be accepted by other nations   Judaism was in crisis.            and culturally. This, says Rav Kook, is a
                                                                                  spiritual process. But there is more to
       without hatred and demonization, they
       would have to establish their own nation   This would seem like a secular repu-  do. We need to address the second chal-
       state.                                diation of millenia of halachic life in   lenge, the spiritual. How can the spirit of
                                             the Diaspora. But Rav Kook agreed. In   G-d and the values of Judaism become
       For others, the catalyst was not antisem-  Galut, the nation was sick; Judaism had   more pronounced in the public sphere?
       itism at all. It was a sense that Judaism in   become distorted. Nationalism, though   Our prophets dreamed of a country that
       the Diaspora was somehow a pale repre-  many of the original pioneers rejected   would champion a sense of G-dliness
       sentation of a greater Jewish vision. As   traditional Torah uMitzvot, was an out-  which would manifest itself in justice
       Achad Ha’am wrote in 1897:            growth of holy yearnings. A return to   and compassion. We have yet to real-
       “The Western Jew, having left the ghetto   nationhood was a return to health:   ize Rav Kook’s fusion, to articulate an
       and having sought acceptance by the   “We dealt much in soulfulness; we forgot   agenda of a Judaism that can be fully
       gentile majority, is unhappy because his   the holiness of the body. We neglected   lived in a modern state, a Judaism that
       hope of an open-armed welcome has     physical health and strength; we forgot   will appeal to the entire gamut of the
       been disappointed. …The heart of the   we have holy flesh, no less than holy   Jewish people.
       Eastern Jews was sensitive to another   spirit” (Orot HaTechiya #33).      When we say Hallel on Yom HaAtzmaut,
       tragedy as well – a spiritual one.                                         we will say בוט יכ ’הל ודוה for the survival
                                             “Sanctity in nature is the sanctity of Eretz
       In the West it is the problem of the Jews;   Yisrael. The Shechina that descended to   and physical flourishing of our beautiful
       in the East, the problem of Judaism.   Galut embodied the power of sanctity   country, and we will pray: העישוה ’ה אנא
       The first weighs on the individual; the   in opposition to nature. But holiness   אנ החילצה ’ה אנא ,אנ as we commit our-
       second, on the nation. The one is felt by   which fights the natural is not a holistic   selves to building a just and holy society
       Jews who have had a European educa-   sanctity” (ibid #28).                which will embrace all Israel.
       tion; the other, by Jews whose education
       has been Jewish… It is not only the Jews   Thus Rav Kook embraced the building of
       who have come out of the ghetto; Juda-  the Land – from agriculture to the arts,   1   For example: Tanach – ץע; Mishnah – ןליא.
                                                                                      Tanach – חרי ,שמש; Mishna – הנבל ,המח.
       ism has come out too. …The spirit of   from politics to academics – as a sense
       our people desires further development.”   of Judaism returning to its true full-bod-
                                             ied expression, the nation revived. For
       The “Eastern Jews” to which Achad     Rav Kook, the physical was not merely
       Ha’am referred saw their shtetl, their   secular. Material and spiritual were
       halachic Judaism, as limited to a private   inseparable, intertwined:
       or communal existence, preoccupied                                         Rabbi Alex Israel is  an  author,  Tanach
       with minutiae – whether one put on    “The Land of Israel has an intrinsic   teacher and international lecturer.
       one’s right shoe or left, the kashrut of a   meaning. It is connected to the Jewish
       drop of milk which falls into meat. They   people with the knot of life… The Land   A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
       yearned for the breadth of the Judaism   of G-d prepares the nation who lives

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