Page 12 - HaMizrachi Purim Australia 5781
P. 12
Sivan Rahav Meir and Yedidya Meir
Six Thoughts for Purim
Jewish-American psychologist Dr. magnify it, without allowing for the king’s palace gates” (Esther 5:13).
Sol Herzig wrote a poignant article regret or forgiveness. Meaning, I have an ocean full of honor,
1 entitled: “Six Simple Strategies for 5. Expect Catastrophe: It’s import- but I’m still missing one more drop.
Achieving Misery.” In his words, these ant to remember that terrible, horri- Everyone bows to him, but he needs
are the most tried and tested strategies ble things might happen any minute, Mordechai to bow. If not – everything
not to achieve happiness: and to let your imagination run wild. else is worthless.
1. Cling to Entitlement: Always feel Diseases, disasters, terror attacks – When we speak about a war with
entitled, that life owes you, that you don’t let anything surprise you. Be Amalek, we are also speaking of a war
were born to receive. Always look alert. with these character traits. On focusing
for the injustice in others having 6. Just say “No thanks” to gratitude: on the drop we’re missing and not on
something that you do not, and Take everything you’ve received in life
do not agree to any concession or as a given, without thanking those the cup mostly full. On nurturing our
compromise. who gave it to you. Try to focus on ego and chasing honor, without appre-
ciating and rejoicing over what we have.
2. It’s all Personal: Always assume what you don’t have rather than what These are Amalek-like traits. When we
that everything was done with evil you do have. make noise when the name “Haman” is
intentions. Always try to find mali- If we adopt (or rather, don’t adopt) these read, we should have intent to erase this
cious intent and seize every opportu- six tips – we’ll have a truly happy Purim! worldview as well.
nity to see it as conclusive proof that
you do not matter to others. He’s at the top of the world, in So how should we be happy? Here
a senior position, and he’s still is a section from Rabbanit Yemima
3. Focus on Problems: Keep care-
ful track of all your problems and 2unsatisfied. Haman HaRasha is an 3Mizrachi’s book, Invitation to Joy:
constantly review them. Nurture the Amalekite. He comes from the nation “We live in a happiness-challenged
the Torah tells us we must wipe out
attitude that you can’t really move on society. In many cases, happiness is
unless everything is resolved first. and obliterate their memory. What is simply a decision, a choice. People
Amalek-ism? One of its characteristics
4. Magnify Everything: Do not cheat is revealed in the figure of Haman, in need to choose to be happy. Instead,
yourself out of misery by maintaining the beginning of Megillat Esther: “Yet they give up on happiness
perspective. Try to cultivate negative all this means nothing to me while doing every-
thinking in respect to every mistake every time I see that Jew thing else, without
or mishap and Mordechai sitting at even realizing it.
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