Page 9 - HaMizrachi Purim Australia 5781
P. 9


 Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon                                             Rabbanit Sharon Rimon

                           Revealing the Internal Jewish Spark

             he mitzvot of Purim are charac-  It seems that assimilation ignited the   Purim to Yom HaKippurim. On both of
             terized by the joyful atmosphere   Divine decree, leading to the course of   these days, the inner spark of the spe-
      Tthey create, and the command-        events described in the Megillah. Mor-  cial connection between G-d and Am
       ment for these mitzvot repeats itself   dechai, as opposed to the other Jews   Yisrael is revealed.
       in Megillat Esther multiple times in   around him, does not hide his Jewish
       chapter 9. What is the reason for these   identity, and is not prepared to bow to   On Yom Kippur, the special connec-
       great celebrations and for the repeated   Haman. By doing so, he emphasizes   tion between G-d and Am Yisrael is
       emphasis not to forget this holiday?  his inner Jewish spark. Haman sees in   expressed through the Kohen Gadol’s
                                                                                 entry into the holiest site, and every Jew
       The simple reason is that the Jews were   Mordechai not just a personal threat,   sanctifies themselves through prayer
       saved from destruction. Haman’s decree   but a national and theological one,   and fasting, until their souls are cleansed
       placed the Jews in Achashverosh’s king-  and therefore is not only interested in   and cling to their Creator. On Purim,
       dom in great danger, seemingly leaving   harming Mordechai, but all the Jews. In   the special connection between G-d
       them no chance of survival. In unex-  the end, Haman (like many antisemites   and Am Yisrael is expressed through
       pected fashion, the decree was reversed   throughout the generations) is the one   the willingness to sacrifice oneself for
                                            who reminds the Jews of their Judaism
       and the Jews were saved from genocide.                                    one’s emunah and for that connection
       It is thus very appropriate to celebrate   and of the fact that  ל ָּ כ ִ מ ת ֹונ ׁש ם ֶ הי ֵ ת ָ ד ְ ו   between every Jew and G-d, through
       such a turnaround and the significant   ם ָ ע, “their religion is different from all   fighting for Am Yisrael’s existence.
       salvation of the Jews from their ene-  other nations.” Haman is the one who
       mies’ hands.                         turns all of the Jews into “Mordechais”   This is why Purim is such a happy day.
                                            who refuse to bow down to foreign    It isn’t empty happiness, but happiness
       Adding another level – the fact that   influences.                        which expresses the deep connection
       Mordechai and Esther do not institute   From the moment the decree was    between Am Yisrael and their Father
       a day for a victory parade, but a day of   enacted, the Jews no longer attempt   in Heaven and the mutual covenantal
       performing mitzvot, reminds every Jew   to assimilate; just the opposite. First,   bond: the great responsibility of Am
       in every generation that the salvation   they join together to fast, as Mordechai   Yisrael to emunah and mitzvot, and
       was not human or by chance, but Divine   and Esther command. Esther, whose   G-d’s responsibility to save them from
       and miraculous. Thus, the miracle of   name is reminiscent of hiding, and who   the hands of their enemies in each and
       Purim joins the miracles of every gen-  until now, hid in the palace and hid her   every generation.
       eration and strengthens the mindset of   Judaism, reveals her identity to Achash-
        ׁ שֹוד ָּ ק ַ ה ְ ו ּונ ֵ תֹו ּ ל ַ כ ְ ל ּוני ֵ ל ָ ע םי ִ ד ְ מֹוע רֹוד ָ ו רֹו ּ ד ל ָ כ ְּ ב ׁ ֶ ש   verosh and openly and bravely acts on
       ם ָ דָּי ִ מ ּונ ֵ לי ִּ צ ַ מ אּוה ךּור ָּ ב, “in every generation   behalf of her nation. In the end, the Jews
       they stand against us to wipe us out, but   no longer hide before their enemies but
       HaKadosh Baruch Hu saves us from     stand up and defend themselves, even
       their hands.”                        killing their enemies, something not at
       We can also see within the Purim     all obvious in galut.
       story an additional, deeper point. At
       the beginning of the Megillah, the Jews   If so, the denouement in the Megillah
       dwell throughout the Persian empire,   was not solely salvation from physical
       even assimilating, as the Gemara says   genocide, but the revalation of the inner
       (Megillah 12a): “Rabbi Shimon bar    Jewish spark, the willingness to deal
       Yochai’s students asked him: ‘Why did   with its meaning and consequences,
       the Jews deserve destruction in the gen-  and even to fight for it.
       eration [of Mordechai and Esther]?’...   Now we can understand what the   Rabbanit Sharon Rimon teaches Tanach
       ‘Because they took part in the feast of   Tikunei HaZohar (57) says, comparing   and  is Content Editor for the HaTanakh
       the evil [Achashverosh].’”                                                website.

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