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                                                                                     Rabbi Danny Mirvis

            Purim 2021

                  Redressing the Balance

             he miraculous salvation of the   prayer gatherings in person are the   Purim story, when Mordechai learns
             Purim story can be encapsulated   worst possible response – a true case   of plans to assassinate Achashverosh,
      Tin one phrase from the Megil-        of “VeNahafoch Hu.”                  reports it to Esther, “And Esther told
       lah: “VeNahafoch Hu,” meaning, “And   Baruch Hashem, as we celebrate Purim   the king in the name of Mordechai”
       it was turned upside-down” (Esther   this year, we can do so with a sense of   (Esther 2:22).
       9:1). Every ingredient of Haman’s evil   cautious optimism that the end of this   While it is certainly praiseworthy to
       plan was reversed in our favour, and   pandemic is in sight. As communities   accurately attribute quotes and ideas,
       as a result, the emotional state of the   safely rebuild and recover after this past   how does this bring redemption to the
       Jewish people swung “from agony to   year, Esther’s declaration, “Go gather
       joy, and from mourning to festivity”   all the Jews”, is the call of the hour. We   world?
       (Esther 9:22).                       cannot take it for granted that every-  I once saw HaMizrachi writer, David
       At Purim time last year, we experienced   body who attended shul or shul activ-  Curwin, cite the Maharal, who explains
                                                                                 that only one who recognizes and
       a global “VeNahafoch Hu” as so many   ities will automatically return when   appreciates what other humans have
       elements of the world as we knew it were   the conditions allow, and as Jewish
       turned upside-down. Many individuals   communities have done throughout   done, will also acknowledge G-d’s mir-
                                                                                 acles. Since it is possible to ignore the
       and families found their plans thrown   the pandemic, we need to be creative   miraculous nature of redemption, when
       into disarray, and on a communal level,   and proactive in reengaging with our
       the things that usually make communi-  audiences.                         one does recognize what G-d has done,
                                                                                 that recognition turns random histori-
       ties so strong – popular events, gener-  However, Esther’s call is not just about
       ous hospitality, the thriving mixing of   being physically in the same place at the   cal events into “Geula.”
       people of all ages on shul campuses,   same time. It is about acknowledging   We are living through major historical
       overlaps and strong connections with   the depth of what truly connects us,   events. In order to unlock their redemp-
       neighbouring communities – became    recognising our joint fate, and acting   tive potential, we need to commence
       a source of vulnerability.           together for the benefit of our common   by appreciating what we receive from
       At times of great threat and concern,   destiny.                          others. With the qualities of grati-
       our natural response is to come together   Small acts can go a very long way in   tude and humility, we can truly heed
                                                                                 Esther’s call to bring all Jews together,
       in prayer and fasting, echoing Esther’s   redeeming our world. This is reflected
       call, “Go gather all the Jews who are   in the teaching in Pirkei Avot, “Who-  and together turn the world in the right
       in Shushan and they shall fast for me,   ever says something in the name of the   direction.
       neither eat nor drink for three days…”     person who said it, brings redemption
       (Esther 4:16). However, where there is   to the world” (Avot 6:3). This teaching   Rabbi Danny Mirvis is the Senior Rabbi of
       a risk of transmitting the virus, mass   is learnt from a key turning point in the   Mizrachi Melbourne.

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