Page 3 - HaMizrachi Purim Australia 5781
P. 3


                                                                                     Rabbi Doron Perez

                           Persia and Purim,

                                 Iran and Israel


             bsolute evil has existed for   Esther that his plan was thwarted at the   as we came out of Egypt. This can be
             millennia. It constitutes a sin-  last minute. Thousands of years later,   sourced from Parashat Zachor. Here
       Agle-minded, systematic focus to     Hitler declared the same intentions.   are two remarkable points which high-
       destroy all good in the world. Accord-  Tragically, he succeeded in murdering   light Amalek’s pursuit of evil:
       ing to Torah tradition, it has a name.   one third of the Jewish people, and if
       Amalek. The Torah commands us to     not for the hand of Providence guid-  “How he happened upon you on the
       always remember and never forget what   ing the actions of the Allied Forces,   way and cut off all the stragglers at your
       Amalek represents. 1                 he would have gone much further.     rear, when you were faint and weary,
                                                                                 and he did not fear G-d” (Deuteronomy
       This is the essence of Parashat Zachor.   Unstopped and unchecked, this type   25:17–19).
       Our Sages instituted an annual public   of evil would, G-d forbid, destroy every
       Torah reading on the Shabbat preceding   last Jew wherever they are.      Firstly, there is no stated motive for
       Purim, lest we forget Amalek’s role in                                    this attack. Amalek was not motivated
       world affairs. The saga of the most infa-  The Perennial Battle           by any normative political or military
       mous Amalekite, Haman, at the heart   Even though Amalek no longer exists   reasoning. Theirs was not a battle over
       of the Megillah, is a sobering reminder   as a nation, it most certainly exists   land or religion nor a war of defense,
       of the existence of absolute evil and our   as an ideology. Its goal is to eradicate   deterrence or display of regional power.
       obligation to confront it.           everything good in the world – first the   They chose to attack for no reason
                                            Jewish people, and all those who stand   other than to commit evil for its own
       Final Solutions                      for morality and justice.            sake. To sow darkness at the very dawn
       Having mentioned absolute evil, most   Remarkably, only two nations are called   of Israel’s aspirations to be “a light unto
       situations in life are not so black or   תי ִ ׁשא ֵ ר, the first of nations – the Jewish   the nations.”
       white. Certainly in ethical terms, little   people, and Amalek. 2
       is absolutely good or absolutely bad,                                     Secondly, Amalek always intention-
       but rather nuanced with many shades   The point is clear. These two nations   ally targets innocent civilians. Theirs
       of moral grey. Nevertheless, world and   are pitted against each other in the   is not a regular military confrontation
                                                                                 but rather a purposeful and systematic
       Jewish history are testament to the   perennial battle of good versus evil.   attack on those lagging behind: the
       undeniable  existence  of  destructive   Just as on an individual level we battle   elderly, the young, the weak and the
       ideologies of significant evil.      constantly between our good and evil   infirm. They attacked the most vulner-
                                            impulses, so too these forces struggle
       Haman’s intention was to kill every last   with one another on a cosmic level –   able and defenseless in society.
       Jew in all 127 countries of Achashvero-  the collective mission of the Jewish
       sh’s global empire in one day. His Final   people as opposed to that of Amalek.  Amalek Today
       Solution was on the brink of implemen-                                    Amalek-type evil has taken on a new
       tation. It was only through the grace of   It was not by chance that Amalek was   name. Terrorism. The aim of interna-
       G-d and the actions of Mordechai and   the first nation to attack Israel, as soon   tional terrorism is to do exactly what

                                                                                                   Continued on page 4

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