Page 4 - HaMizrachi YmYm 2020 FLIPv3
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Continued from page 3

       of thousands of Jews living comfort-  It was there they encamped before   that this alludes to the 6th of Sivan,
       ably throughout the Western world    Mount Sinai, “as one man with one    the future date of  Matan Torah, the
       began moving in droves to Israel.    heart,”  standing with a singular    day that would give the essential
       The spiritually oppressed Jews of the   unity and anticipation to receive the   Divine purpose to the physical cre-
       Soviet Union, whose Jewish identity   Torah. On that day, Moshe ascended   ation. So too, in our time, the return
       and pride had been squashed, would   the  mountain  and  initiated  a  six-day   to Jerusalem and the close proximity
       somehow find the courage to stand up   spiritual preparation period before   to Shavuot gave the Six-Day War its
       for their Jewishness and rebel against   receiving the Torah six days later. Just   ultimate spiritual meaning.
       the Communist regime and the KGB.    like in those days, so too at this time   The Jewish people and the Torah
       This, in turn, sparked a deep sense   had they ascended the Mountain of   world today are not only surviving but
                                            G-d, Mount Moriah in Jerusalem.
       of shared fate and common destiny    Now they were ready for a remarkable   thriving, almost as never before. Israel
       that gripped the nation. Under the   and unforgettable re-receiving of the   has over nine million civilians with
       slogan “Let My People Go,” Jews      Torah.                               6.7 million Jews, the largest amount
       around the world galvanized to fight                                      of Jews ever to live in the Land of
       for their brethren and eventually led   A Night To Remember               Israel. Jerusalem is Israel’s largest city
       to over a million Russian Olim arriv-                                     with a population of 900,000 and is
       ing in Israel after the fall of the Iron   Many people say that this night was   home to the largest concentration
       Curtain.                             the most memorable of their entire   of shuls,  yeshivot and Torah learn-
                                            lives, etched into their consciousness   ing centers in the world. There is
       Not only was Israel’s spirit lifted   forever.  It was  the first Shavuot  to   arguably more Torah learning in the
       but so was the search for its soul. I   take place at the Western Wall, the   Jewish world today than at any other
       believe one can trace the beginning   Kotel HaMa’aravi, under a Jewish    time in history.
       of the return of tens if not hundreds   government and with the protection
       of  thousands  to  their  religious and   of Jewish soldiers for the first time   So much of this was precipitated
       spiritual roots – and the flourishing   in almost two millennia. A mind   by the Divine grace and favor the
       of educational and outreach organi-  boggling 200,000 Jews from all over   Almighty shone upon us during those
       zations of the  Baal Teshuva move-   Israel, almost 10% of the country’s   modern Six Days of Creation. May
       ment in Israel and all over the Jewish   Jewish population, made their way   we deeply appreciate and continue
       world – directly to the transformative   through the ancient alleyways of   to be worthy of such monumental
       power  of these  six  days.  The Jewish   the  Old  City  to gather together  at
       soul was stirred with an other-worldly   the small but recently cleared plaza   Yom Yerushalayim and Chag Shavuot
       fire and fervor.                     at the foot of the Wall. This was the   Sameach!
                                            first time since the year 70 C.E. that
                                            individual Jews no longer came as for-
       Incredible Timing                    eigners to someone else’s Jerusalem,   1   Yechezkel 37.

       The timing on the Jewish calendar of   but returned as rightful custodians to   2   Michael Oren, Six Days of War, Ballantine
       the war could barely have been more   the heart of their national and spir-   Books, p. 309.
       spiritually precise and prescient.   itual home. These 200,000 people,    3   Shemot  Chapter  19:1: “In  the third month
                                                                                     (Sivan) after the children of Israel went out
                                            emissaries and shlichim of Klal Yis-     of the Land of Mitzrayim, on that day (Rosh
       The day that Jerusalem, the Kotel    rael, experienced a rendezvous with      Chodesh) they came to the wilderness of
       and  the  Temple  Mount  returned  to   destiny at that  Matan Torah with a   Sinai.”
       Jewish sovereign control, the 28th of   sense of dignity and redemptive spirit   4   Rashi on Shemot 19:2 quoting the Mechilta.
                                            that had not been experienced for    5   Perhaps with the exception  of the time
       Iyar, Yom Yerushalayim, was exactly                                           of the Bar Kochba rebellion from 132 to
       one week before Shavuot. The war     generations.                             135  C.E. when Roman control had been
                                                                                     temporarily removed, although Jerusalem
       ended  a  few  days  later  at  the  begin-  After the original six days of creation,   remained in ruins.
       ning of the month of Sivan, the very   the  verse concludes with an unusual   6   Rashi to Bereishit 1:31, quoting Midrash
       same time 3,000 years before that the   phrase – “it was evening and it was   Tanchuma and Shir Hashirim Rabbah 1:9.
       Jewish people had arrived at Sinai to   morning, the sixth day” with the defi-
       begin their preparation for the receiv-  nite article emphasizing something   Rabbi Doron Perez  is  Chief  Executive  of
       ing of the Torah. 3                  unique about this day. Our Sages say 6   the Mizrachi World Movement

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