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                                                                                 Rabbi Reuven Taragin                                                    Rabbanit Shani Taragin

       Why a Second Holiday?

              ashem has blessed me with     home, but also for the core of our reli-  On Yom Yerushalayim, we reflect on
              the great privilege of being   gious identity.                     the  full  religious  import  of  the  State
      Hable to spend my days                                                     of Israel – the completion of our
       learning and davening at Yeshivat    Jews  maintained  their  identity  in   teshuva  process  that  will  fully  repair
       HaKotel, overlooking Har HaBayit. I   dozens of different cultural milieus   our  relationship  with  Hashem  and
       am often asked about what this feels   because they saw Yerushalayim not   culminate in the eventual rebuilding
       like. I would like to answer within the   just as part of an illustrious past, but   of the Beit Mikdash.
       context of Yom Yerushalayim.         as part of their immediate future.
                                                                                 This is what learning and davening
       Having  recently celebrated  Yom     When Natan Sharansky was con-        daily opposite the Kotel is all about.
       HaAtzmaut, which commemorates        victed of treason against “Mother
       the miraculous founding, survival,   Russia,” he was asked by the court to   You  wake up every morning  in  full
       and thriving of the State of Israel,   sum up his defense arguments. Sha-  view of Hashem’s benevolence to us
       many wonder why we need a second     ransky responded: “I have nothing to   and the miracles He performed on
       holiday just three weeks later.      say to this court, but to the People of   our behalf.
                                            Israel and to my wife I say: Next year
       I believe there are two answers to this   in Jerusalem.”                  You wake up every morning to the
       question. The first lies in a full appre-                                 miraculous return of our people to
       ciation of the 1967 salvation and the   In contrast to say, the Parthenon in   our past.
       second in the full appreciation of the   Greece, which was once an ancient
       significance of Yerushalayim and the   temple and is now just a tourist site,   You wake up every morning to the
       Kotel/Har HaBayit.                   Har HaBayit and the Kotel have       fruition of Jewish history.
                                            always remained holy sites that we
       The 1967 Salvation                   sought  to  rebuild.  Though  less  holy   On Yom Yerushalayim, we celebrate
                                            than Har HaBayit, the Kotel was      not only Yerushalayim, the Kotel’s
       Military experts see the 1967 victory   never usurped by any other religion   return to us and our return to it, but
       as possibly the most miraculous one   and remains a pristine remnant of the   also  what  it  symbolizes  about  us  as
       in modern history. Through a combi-  past we envision in our future.      the  Jewish  people.  When  celebrat-
       nation of a number of amazing ‘coin-                                      ing, let us make sure we reflect not
       cidences,’ Israel went from digging   In 1967, when we returned to the    only on what Hashem did for us, but
       tens of thousands of graves in public   Kotel and the Kotel returned to us, we   more importantly, on how we need
       parks to vanquishing those threat-   knew Hashem was inviting us to a full   to respond by strengthening our rela-
       ening to annihilate it in a matter of   reinstatement of our relationship with
       six  days.   It  was  a  “veNahafoch  hu”   Him.                          tionship with Him and meriting the
       rivaled only by Purim.                                                    continuation of this glorious  Geula
                                            Thus the Chief Rabbinate sanctioned   process.
       Yerushalayim                         saying Hallel with a bracha.

       In 1949, Israel’s Chief Rabbinate    What We Yearn For                    1   For a brief review of these miraculous
       sanctioned saying Hallel on Yom                                               coincidences,  I  highly  recommend  this
       HaAtzmaut without a bracha mainly    Yom HaAtazmaut celebrates our self-      com/watch?v=8i3uIz7hoYs&t=4s.
       because (the Old City of) Yerusha-   rule in our independent Jewish State.
       layim was not included in The State   Yom Yerushalayim is an important
       of Israel. Throughout our exile, Jews   and necessary complement to that,
       davened not just for a return to Israel,   because it focuses on the religious   Rabbi Reuven Taragin is Educational
       but LeShana HaBa’a BiYerushalayim.   significance of our return and future   Director of Mizrachi and Dean of the
       They yearned not just for our national   here.                            Yeshivat HaKotel Overseas Program

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