P. 24

STARTER KIT | HK-Material Custodian

                    12.  Married Male employees are entitled to a seven (7) days Paternity Leave with pay when his legal wife gives
                        birth  or  suffer  from  miscarriage.  The  privilege  is  during  the  first  four  delivery  provided  that  the  employee
                        informed the employer of her wife’s pregnancy and expected date of delivery.

                    13.  The employee shall be entitled to one (1) duty meal for the whole Eight (8) hours Shift and additional meal for
                        at least four (4) hours overtime work provided that each employee shall bring his own eating utensils including
                        plates,  spoon  &  fork,  soup  bowls  and  glasses.  Further, the  employees  shall  wash  and  safe  kept  his  own

                    14.  The employee shall be provided by the employer’s hotel client at least (3) sets of uniform and nameplate.
                        However, the employee shall surrender issued uniform and nameplate upon separation to the company for
                        whatever reasons including but not limited to Non-renewal of contract, resignation and termination.

                    15.  Employees are entitled to free usage of the client’s Locker Facilities provided that the employee signed and
                        agreed to the terms and conditions for Locker Users. The employee shall sign a Locker Acknowledgement
                        Form in the HRD and shall be given a designated locker number prior to usage.  (Please refer to the Locker

                    16.  Active  Employees  are  entitled to  participate  to  the  client’s  sponsored  events  and  activities for  employees
                        including but not limited to Thanksgiving Party, Hotelympics, Trainings and General Assemblies.

                    17.  The client provides Clinic Services for employees and its guests and employees can avail of the services
                        including but not limited to first aid treatment and over the counter medicines. Employees shall be allowed to
                        request for medicines at the Hotel Clinic maximum of twice in a week per type of sickness. However, clinic
                        nurses  can  release  medicines  for  employees  for  more  than  twice  a  week  for  extreme  cases  and  special

                    18.   All active employees are included should there be service and incentive programs that the client hotel shall
                         implement however, this shall be subject to the specific guidelines of the programs (refer to the SCORE

                    19.   The client have a “Centralized Tipping Policy” such that tips collected from all guests should be surrendered
                         to  the  client’s  accounting  department  and  shall  be  equally  distributed  to  all  active  employees  subject  to
                         corresponding computation based on the actual days that each active employee rendered duty within the
                         specified period.

                    20.   Merit increase/s shall be given to employees upon recommendation of department heads on the basis of actual job
                         performance assessment & Evaluation and/or additional competencies acquired regardless of the length of service
                         of the employee as approved by the Directors and General Managers

                    21.   Corresponding Documents and attachments such as recommendation letters, evaluation and assessment forms etc.
                         should be prepared and signed by the General Manager prior that the increase might take effect

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