P. 27

STARTER KIT | HK-Material Custodian


                Type of Infraction    Code      1st       2         3rd      4th      5th
                LIGHT                A           OR        WR         S-6     S-12        D

                LESS SERIOUS         B           WR        S-6      S-12       D

                SERIOUS              C          S-6        S-12      D

                GRAVE                D          S-12      D

                VERY GRAVE           E           D

                                            PRESCRIPTIVE PERIOD OF OFFENSE

                   1.  For purposes of imposition of applicable penalties for violations of work rules, regulations, prior
                       offenses will have a prescriptive period of 12 months; any repeat violations after the employee has
                       had no violation of the same offense for a period of 12 months will be considered as first offense.

                   2.  If at the time of commission of the latest offense the employee shall have at least two other violations
                       committed within the 12 month period, the latest offense shall be given the next higher degree of
                       penalty prescribed for the said offense.

                   3.  In any event where the company sustains loss or damage due to the act of the employee punishable
                       by this Code, reimbursement or payment from the employee shall be made by him/her to restore the
                       lost fund or damaged property.

                   4.  Listing  of  infractions  should  not  be  understood  as  complete  and  exclusive.  The  Company  may
                       impose corrective measures for any act contrary to the rules and regulations listed herein.

                                        BASIC PRINCIPLES OF DISCIPLINARY ACTION

                   •  Disciplinary action should not be taken unless there is an obvious need for it.
                   •  The reason for the disciplinary action should be made clear.  In case of negative action, the statement
                       of the reasons should be accompanied by an explanation of the manner in which the disciplinary
                       action can be avoided in the future.
                   •  Give the employee a chance to explain his side of the story and do not argue.  This is due process
                       and by doing so, you can discover the reasons behind his action.
                   •  There  should  be  consistency  of  disciplinary  actions.    No  favoritism  or  discrimination  should  be
                       allowed.  Consistency in disciplinary action is more important than severity.
                   •  Reproof or reprimand should be given as soon as possible after the occurrence of the act.  Right
                       timing is important.
                   •  Never discipline anyone in the presence of others.

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