Page 137 - J. C. Turner - History and Science of Knots
P. 137
126 History and Science of Knots
Fig. 12. Shadows of possible Loop Knots based on the Sheet Bend structure
Fig. 13. The Bowline flip-over tying method
There are too many ways to make a Bowline for all of them to be discussed
here, but we shall focus on two methods. In the Western knotting literature
and knotting world, which are dominated by strong Mariner influences, one of
the commonest methods for tying the Bowline is the flip-over method. This
method is easy to learn and is excellently suited for relatively thick media,
such as rope (see Fig. 13).
Another method of making a Bowline is by spilling a Noose (see Fig. 14).
This method is not very common in Mariner spheres, but it is excellent for
tying a Bowline in flexible thin diameter media, such as thong.