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E.J Peck. Part I, plates I-IV and 172 text figures. New York 1901.
Reprinted New York 1975).
4. J. G. Bourke, The Medicine Men of the Apache (Smithsonian Institute,
1887-1888, Washington , 1892) 550-580.
5. A. von Brandt , Fischnetzknoten (Berlin, 1957).
6. G. Budworth , ` The Boas Bowline', Knotting Matters 27 (1989) 9-11.
7. G. Budworth , (Unpublished report on sledge knots : Museum of
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8. U. Bussemaker and C. Daremberg, (Euvres d'Oribase, (Paris, 1861)
9. C. L. Day, Quipus and Witches' Knots, (University of Kansas Press,
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11. H. Frith, The Romance of Navigation (London, 1893).
12. R. Graumont and J . Hensel, Encyclopedia of Knots and Fancy Rope
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13. P. van de Griend , Knots and Rope Problems (Privately published,
Arhus, Denmark, 1992).
14. P. van de Griend, `Survival of the Simplest ', Knotting Matters 39 (1992)
15. P. van de Griend, `The Qeqertasussuk Knots', Meddelelser om
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16. B. Gronnow, `Prehistory in Permafrost. Investigations at the Saqqaq
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17. B. Gronnow and J . Meldgaard , `De forste vestgronlaendere . Resul-
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18. H. C. Gullov, Etnografisk Samling, National Museum, Copenhagen,
Denmark. (Private correspondence with the author).
19. L. Hacquebord , `There she blows-a brief history of whaling', (North
Atlantic Studies 2, No. 1-2, (Arhus, 1990) 11-20.
20. K. Hansen , Viking Museum, Roskilde, Denmark. (Private communica-
tions with the author).
21. J. P. Hart Hansen and H. C. Gullov (eds.), `The Mummies of
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Man & Society 12 (1989).
22. E. Holtved: `Archaeological investigations in the Thule District', Med-
delelser om Gronland 141, No. 1, (1944).
23. J. Lehman, Systematik and Geographischen Verbreitung der Geflecht-