Page 143 - J. C. Turner - History and Science of Knots
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132                     History and Science of Knots

               sarten (Abh. u. Ber. d. k. Zool. u. Antr. Ethn. Mu. zu Dresden. Bd
               XI, No. 3, 1907).
            24. K. McCullough, `The Ruin Islanders', (Arch. surveys of Canada, Mer-
               cury Press, paper 141, Canadian Museum of Civilization, Quebec,
            25. J. Murdoch, `Ethnological Results of the Point Barrow Expedition',
               Ninth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, (Washington 1892).
            26. T. Mobjerg, Dept. of Arctic Archeology, Moesgaard Museum Arhus,
               Denmark. (Private correspondence with the author).
            27. G. Moller, National Museum of Denmark, (Private communications
               with the author).
            28. M. P. Porsild, `Other hunting implements; a sealing net of whalebone
               strings'. Meddelelser om Gronland 51 (1914) 176-179.
            29. J. Smith, `Invention, Accident or Observation?', Knotting Matters 28
               (1989) 20-21.
            30. W. J. Sollas, `On some Eskimos' bone implements from the east coast
               of Greenland.' Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain
                and Ireland 9 (1880) 329-336.
            31. P. Victor, `Jeux d'enfants et d'adultes chez les eskimos d'Angmagsalik',
                Meddelelser om Gronland 125 (1940) 1-213.
            32. J. C. Wilcocks, The Sea Fisherman (Guernsey, 1865).
            33. U. Zischka, Ziir sakralen and profanen Anwendung der Knotenmotivs
                als magischen Mittel, Symbol oder Dekor (Munchen, 1977).
            34. Opfindelsernes Sejrgang (Copenhagen undated, circa 1925).
            35. Qeqertasussuk, de forste mennesker pa Gronland (Copenhagen, 1992).
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