Page 362 - J. C. Turner - History and Science of Knots
P. 362

A History of Lace                     355

       capital showing a woman making one of these forms of lace. This may be
       our first record of the craft; the lace shown is a simple set of loops made
       by leaving longer sections of yarn at the edges of the weaving. It is around
       this time that lace takes its modern meaning of an openwork fabric. At this
       time, `passementerie' was a word used for any braid woven, knitted, plaited,
       close-textured, or open.

                   Early 12th century
                                            Late 13th century

                                        V 1            1 V

                                       A-,\ .0;^i L-^4
                    Mid 14th century
                                        Ir      _V_
                                             Mid 14th century

                                         Words replacing patterns

                     Late 14th century

                                               circa 1520

                          Fig. 2. Fringes from the Virgin's Cloak
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