Page 53 - Niyog2021_US
P. 53

some have their security in their abilities and talents . We all have put our trust and security in at least one of the above . All of us must learn to have God as our only security .
Martin Luther lived during the time of the Reformation of the Church . During his days he faced a plague that affected many people . He was afraid whether that plague will adversely affect his family . At that time, plagued with insecurity, he penned the famous hymn: “A Mighty Fortress is our God .” When- ever he felt insecure, he would read Psalm 46 along with his friend Phil- ip Melanchthon . He wrote in the hymn that “The devil can seek to work us woe... “The devil’s craft and power are great... and “The devil is armed with cruel hate .” But Luther confessed that Jesus can win the battle for us . The doom of the devil is sure . If we put our trust and secu- rity in Jesus, the Son of God, we can be sure that the devil can do us no harm . Whatever may be the chal- lenge, God will be with us, because we choose to confess that “God is our Refuge .”
Third, confession of “God as our Refuge” teaches us to be still. “Being still” is the most difficult thing to do for any human being . We think that we can maneuver our way through life’s storms, chal- lenges, and pain . We are tempted to put the trust in ourselves and our abilities . This is just the wrong con-
sequence of confessing that “God is our Refuge .” Believing in ourselves will inevitably lead to actions and reactions based on our own im- pulses . Subsequently, “Being Still” is something impossible . We will never learn to be quiet . Psalm 46:10 in Good News Translation is: “Stop fighting”; in New American Stand- ard Bible it reads: “Cease Striving .” Those who do not know to be still will always be fighting . Nothing can keep them still .
We need to learn to be still and know that God is God . By being “still” we affirm our trust in God . As a result of being “still” we will cease to strive . Most of us keep striving for something that is in this world . When our plans do not work, we are offended . During the Pandemic, we were forced to learn to be “still .” May our prayers be: “God, help us to give up fighting; teach us to cease striving for earthly things, because you alone are our refuge .”
May the God of peace, hope and justice be our refuge and strength in these times of trouble . May God’s name alone be glorified as we overcome our fears, have God as our only security and as we learn to be still, so that we can give up fighting and striving for earthly things and keep on confessing that “God is our Refuge .” n

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