Page 55 - Niyog2021_US
P. 55

by Vivek M. Meena, Bachelor of Divinity Fourth Year
 The sudden spread of COV-
ID-19 has crossed international boundaries and the entire hu- man race has been gripped with fear and distress. It has affected many areas of our lives by laying upon us a wide set of unlikened rules and regulations. Truly, life has become quite challenging in this contemporary situation. The death rates have increased like never before and people have ex- perienced great disturbance in their daily schedule. This predic- ament has the potential to shake the faith of a firm believer in Christ as well as capacity to in- crease one’s faith. As we look deep within ourselves, are we afraid in the midst of this quandary or are we progressing in our walk of faith by relying upon God?
God has created each of us and we belong to Him . Often people ap- proach their loved ones for help in times of trials and difficulties . But we must remember that this kind of help is always limited and temporary . Our trusted ones may also leave us during our challenging times and it may lead us to be in a state of complete despair . In this ongoing difficult situation, it is only our God who can provide us his everlasting protection and help . We have this hope and assurance in the Scripture that, “God is our refuge
and strength, a very present help in trouble .” (Psalm 46:1) . This Psalm is
attributed to the Sons of Korah and the Psalmist has experienced God’s help in his difficult times . This un- changing promise is for all of us in this contemporary state of hope- lessness . I believe that just by read- ing or hearing this promise, we feel so relaxed and comforted . If God is our only place of Refuge then why do we seek shelter in some other place? This verse explicitly reminds us that God is our only strength then why do we need empowerment from some- one else? God does not extend his help to us by maintaining a ‘social distance’ but he is a very present help in trouble .
We are facing so many unexpected realities in our lives but we must re- member that God is not unconcerned towards His people . Whatever takes place in our lives, it is only through the allowance of God . In these times of trouble, God wants us to draw ourselves closer to him by depend- ing upon Him . In all sorts of ardu- ous times, God is calling us to take refuge in Him . According to Dillion Burroughs, “God does not remove us from all harm; He uses harm to move us close to Him .” If we depend on human or any other power in these challenging times, there is every pos- sibility of failure . It is only in His pres- ence we can experience his everlast- ing protection at all times . The choice remains in our hands . Are we willing to accept His call for His protection upon us or do we reject His call by de- pending upon our strength and ability in these troubling times? n

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