Page 4 - POS SPHS Keeper 2019-20
P. 4


            This publication has been prepared to acquaint South Plainfield High School students, along with their
            parents and guardians, with the many course offerings available at our high school. You are urged to
            read it carefully and thoroughly before making any final choices with regard to your future program of

            As you look through the pages that follow, examine them carefully. Select those subjects which are the
            most  appropriate  for  you  to  best  meet  your  future  goals,  career  choice,  and  personal  happiness.
            Remember to carefully review past achievement, ability, interest, and motivation. When you create or
            adjust  your  four-year  plan  each  year,  select  challenging  courses  that  will  not  only  fulfill  graduation
            requirements,  but  also  college  admission  and/or  employer  requirements  as  well.  Your  academic
            teachers, following specific rubric guidelines from their departmental supervisors, will make placement
            level recommendations for your core subjects for next year, via Genesis.

            In addition to taking the most rigorous courses you can handle and applying your best effort, we strongly
            encourage each student to become involved in one or more extra-curricular activities (athletics, clubs,
            community service projects) every semester.  Ongoing involvement in school activities from the beginning
            of freshman year will positively affect how you do in school, how you feel, and ultimately value your years
            at South Plainfield High School.

                Please Take Note: Every effort is made to schedule all subjects selected by students; however, limitations
                of  staff,  student  enrollment,  building  space,  time,  budgetary  considerations,  and  student  scheduling
                constraints  can  occasionally  make  the  cancellation  of  undersubscribed  courses  or  the  substitution  of
                student  alternate course choices necessary.  Course Selection changes may  be requested, but not
                guaranteed, until May 10 . Any changes to student Course Selection requests cannot be honored
                at any time after this date.

                                SCHOOL COUNSELING OFFICE PERSONNEL

                                                       (908) 754-4620

                   Director of Guidance & School Counseling Services K-12:                   Sam Fierra
                   504 Compliance Officer, District Anti-Bullying Coordinator                  Ext. 1630

                   School Counselors                  :       Support Staff                             :
                   Mylissa Bauman        Ext. 1634                 Marie Benak      Ext. 1632
                   Jaime Giannakis       Ext. 1635                 Kathy Hajduk     Ext. 1633
                   Erica Hapstak         Ext. 1637                 Nancy Flannery   Ext. 1631
                   Kathleen Reilly       Ext. 1638

                   Student Assistance Counselor/Anti-Bullying Specialist:
                   Rhonda Greene         Ext. 1636

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