Page 6 - POS SPHS Keeper 2019-20
P. 6


                    To earn a South Plainfield High School Diploma, a student must successfully complete
                               120 credits in accordance with both state and district mandates.

                            Required Course                       Credit                *Recommended
             4 years of English                                     20                      4 years
             2 years of U.S. History                                10                      2 years
             1 year of World History                                5                        1 year
             3 years of Mathematics                                 15                       4 years*
             (including Algebra 1 and Geometry and a third year
             of math that builds upon the concepts and skills of
             algebra and geometry)
             3 years of Science                                     15                       4 years*
             (including Lab Biology, Lab Chemistry and/or
             Physics and/or Environmental Science; plus a  third
             year lab/inquiry based science)
             World Language                                         5                      2-4 years
             Physical Education/Health                              20                      4 years
             21  Century Life and Careers, or Career                5                       1-3 years*
             Technology Education
             Visual and Performing Arts                             5                       1-3 years*
             Financial Literacy, Economic and Entrepreneurial      2.5                      ½ year

                    *Recommended courses will vary depending on each individual student’s desired
                                       course of study and post-secondary choices.

             In addition to meeting state course requirements, students must (1) demonstrate proficiency on state
            mandated test of proficiency, or subject specific state exams (see charts on next pages) and (2) comply
                                         with the state and district attendance policy.


                   Students must meet the following criteria in order to graduate from South Plainfield High School.

            1.  Each student must successfully complete a minimum of 120 credits.
            2.  Students must achieve proficiency on a state mandated assessment required for graduation.
            3.  Students must adhere to the South Plainfield High School attendance policy.
            4.  Students must carry a minimum of 30 credits per year.
            5.  Students must meet the clearly delineated minimum proficiency established for each course.

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