Page 10 - POS SPHS Keeper 2019-20
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selections/requests via the parent portal on Genesis during designated times (dates provided during
scheduling process). Course requests/selections and core course recommendations will be viewable
online only. It is imperative that you make sure that the courses listed online (prior to May 10 )
accurately reflect your final choices. The course requests/selections listed after that date are
considered final and cannot be changed. Availability of elective courses cannot be guaranteed as they
are based on class enrollments, frequency of offering, and fulfillment of student required
courses/scheduling constraints. It is imperative that students and parents become familiar with this
Program of Studies to make the best informed course selections / requests.
Some courses, specifically AP Courses, require summer work and/or reading assignments. Failure to
complete a summer assignment may not result in your removal from the course. You may be expected
to take the course and face a grade consequence for failure to submit the summer assignment.
A student in full residency must schedule and maintain thirty (30) instructional periods per week (30
credits) over the course of an academic year. However, it is highly recommended that a student schedule
for thirty-five (35) credits each year. Staffing needs are determined on the basis of all student course
requests/selections as of May 10 . Therefore, course selection/request changes cannot occur after this
date. Course selections/requests will be considered FINAL since projected needs for staffing,
materials/equipment, and general building availability will be solely based on these course
In addition, program changes are subject to the following conditions:
Students may not drop a course selection/request if his/her schedule does not maintain thirty (30)
instructional periods (during the course of the regular school day) per week each academic year;
A request for a change in course selections/request, or to a schedule once schedules are released,
will not be considered for specific teacher requests, specific requests for classes during certain
times, or for requests for a specific lunch or Physical Education/Health period.
All requests for the consideration of academic level changes (in regard to program planning and
teacher/department recommendations for the following year) must be done by meeting with and
discussing it with your School Counselor, requesting a Consideration for Level Change” form, and
returning it to your counselor completely filled out (including all necessary signatures), no later than May
10 .This form is also available on the school website. Please be sure that you meet all of the
prerequisites for requested/selected classes, should there be one.
Voluntary student initiated requests for course SELECTIONS / REQUESTS (whether it be for electives
or requesting a consideration for a level change) for the 2019-20 school year must occur prior to May
10 , by submitting the Consideration for Level Change form to your school counselor (but as stated
previously, cannot be guaranteed).