Page 14 - POS SPHS Keeper 2019-20
P. 14

10. Dual Credit Enrollment Opportunities
            Middlesex County College (MCC): “High School Scholars”


            Seton Hall University:  “Project Acceleration”

            Students applying to the High School Scholars (MCC) program or Project Acceleration (SHU) must
            successfully complete all requirements as outlined on the MCC and Seton Hall application, which will
            be  available  in  the  South  Plainfield  High  School  Counseling  Office  during  the  month  of  October.
            Successful completion of the specified course(s) will allow the student to receive credit for high school
            graduation, as well as college credit. Please note that students applying to the High School Scholar’s
            Program may also take approved courses on campus at MCC:

                         Experience college work while still in high school;
                         Earn college credits that will appear on a Middlesex County College or Seton Hall
                          transcript and may be accepted by other colleges (all colleges are different);
                         Save money, since courses are offered at a reduced / nominal fee, and
                         Explore different fields of study.

            Please contact your School Counselor for course selection, additional information, and details pertaining
            to the MCC High School Scholars Program and Seton Hall University Project Acceleration

         11.Option II
            The purpose of “Option II” is to allow educators and students the opportunity to explore educational
            learning  experiences,  outside  of  the  traditional  classroom  environment,  that  are  meaningful  and
            relevant. “Option II” allows the Board of Education to determine and establish curricular activities or
            programs  aimed  at  achieving  the  New  Jersey  Student  Learning  Standards  for  promotion  and
            graduation. All Option II courses, just as with On-Line Courses, must receive prior approval, in writing,
            from the Director of Guidance and High School Principal.  Courses that are taken without prior approval
            will not be accepted as required credits toward graduation.  For additional information pertaining to
            “Option II”, please contact the high school Guidance Office.

        12. The pattern of studies which you plan for yourself will help you to enjoy a successful and prosperous
            high school career.  It will determine how well you are prepared for college entrance and for obtaining
            and  holding  a  job.   Your  pattern  of  studies  will  contribute  to  your  day-to-day  personal  growth  and
            happiness.  Here are the steps that you should follow in planning your high school program.

            • Establish personal goals.  Even though they may be revised from time to time, you should have some specific educational, occupational,
            and personal objectives toward which you are working.

            • Develop a strong working relationship with your school counselor.  With your counselor, honestly evaluate your personal strengths,
            interests, aptitudes, and needs.

            • Learn the requirements for entrance to the college or school of your choice or the kind of work you plan to do after graduation.

            • During Junior year, visit the colleges or vocational resources in which you are interested.

            • Consult your parents, talk with your teachers and confer with your school counselor in order to benefit from their experience and the
            information that they can make available to you.  Talk with citizens of the community who are currently working in the profession or vocation
            of your choice.

            • Select the subjects which are to be included in your pattern of studies.  Choose those which contribute most toward helping you achieve
            the goals that you have established.

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