Page 19 - POS SPHS Keeper 2019-20
P. 19

Quick Look-Up                                Program of Studies                        Quick Look-Up

             COURSE                     Gr     Cr     Pg#    COURSE                      Gr      Cr      Pg#
             English                                         Mathematics (cont.)
             101 Eng 1 H                 9     5      18     489 AP Calc B/C              12     5       40
             102 Eng 1                   9     5      18     483 Calculus                 11-12  5       39
             121 Eng 2H                 10     5      18     487 Intro to Stat            11-12  2.5     40
             122 Eng 2                  10     5      18     490 AP Statistics            11-12  5       40
             140 AP Eng Lang/Comp       11     5      19     455 Math 3                        12  5     38
             141 Eng 3H                 11     5      19     xxx Math Lab 1 & 2             9-10  5      35
             142 Eng 3                  11     5      19
             160 AP Eng Lit/Comp        12     5      20
             161 Eng 4H                 12     5      20
             162 Eng 4                  12     5      20     Science
             145 Journalism/Media         9-12  5     19     512 Principles of Eng Des   10-12  5        47
                                                             525 Intro to Anat/Phys       11-12  5       46
                                                             548 Food Ecology & Nutri   11-12  2.5       46
                                                             501 Biology H                  9-10  6      43
                                                             522 Biology                    9-10  5      43
             167 Debate                 10-12  2.5    21     521 Chemistry H              10-11  6       43
             164 Sports Literature      10-12  2.5    21     542 Chemistry                10-11  5       43
             165 Creative Writing       10-12  5      21     549 Bioinfo Research Hon        10  5       44
             166 Comm Arts              10-12  2.5    21     545 Forensic Science         11-12  5       46
             176 World Mythology        10-12  2.5    22     503 Physical Science         11-12  5       44
             170 Classic Mythology      10-12  2.5    22     552 Env Science                9-12  5      43
             172 Adv Debate             11-12  2.5    22     565 Physics                  11-12  5       44
                                                             562 AP Biology               11-12  6       44
                                                             563 AP Chemistry             11-12  6       44
                                                             567 AP Physics 1             11-12  6       45
                                                             568 AP Physics 2             12     6       45
                                                             566 AP Env Science           11-12  6       45
                                                             509 Civil Engin/Architect    10-12  5       48
             Mathematics                                     514 AP Sem-Bioinformatic   10-12  5         45
             402 Acad Alg 1               9    5      37     515 AP Research-Bioinfor   11-12  5         46
             405 Algebra 1                9    5      37     508 Intro Engr Design          9-12  5      47
             421 Geometry H               9-10  5     37     570 Infectious Diseases      11-12  2.5     47
             422 Acad Geom                9-10  5     37     Social Studies
             425 Geometry               10     5      37     345 Sociology                11-12  5       33
             441 Alg 2H                 10-11  5      38     346 Gov’t & Law              12     5       33
             442 Acad Alg 2             10-12  5      38     363 AP Psychology            10-12  5       34
             445 Alg 2                  10-12  5      37     301 World History H            9    5       31
             453 Alg 3/Trig             11-12  5      38     361 AP World History           9-12  5      31
             461 Pre-CalcH              11-12  5      39     302 World History              9    5       31
             462 Acad Pre-Calc          11-12  5      38     321 US History 1H             10    5       32
             463 Senior Math App        12     5      39     322 US History 1              10    5       32
             481 AP Calc A/B            11-12  5      40     360 AP US History (II)        11    5       32
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