Page 16 - POS SPHS Keeper 2019-20
P. 16

2.  A college-bound student athlete completes 16 core courses in the required coursework with a 2.300 core-course GPA and a 79
            sum ACT.  The college-bound student-athlete is a full qualifier under the new sliding scale because the minimum GPA
            requirement is 2.300 with an ACT sum score of at least 75.
        3.  A college-bound student athlete completes 15 core courses with a 2.500 core-course GPA and an 820 SAT score (critical
            reading and math).  The college-bound student athlete is a non-qualifier because only 15 core courses were completed, not the
            required 16 core courses.


            (1). To be eligible for athletic eligibility competition during the first semester (September 1 to January 31) a pupil must have
            passed 25% of the credits (30) required by the State of New Jersey for graduation (120) during the immediately preceding
            academic year.
            (2). To be eligible for athletic competition during the second semester (Feb. 1 to June 30) a pupil must  have  passed the
            equivalent of 12.5% of the credits (15) required by the State of New Jersey for graduation (120) at the close of the preceding
            semester (Jan. 31).  Full-year courses shall be equated as one-half of the total credits gained for the full year to determine credits
            passed during the immediately preceding semester.

            CL 1   The NJSIAA does not establish grading policies or standards for granting credits.  The local school’s Board of
            Education has the exclusive authority to address such matters within the parameters of the State Board of Education guidelines.
            Therefore, NJSIAA will not waive, either the standards set by a member school, or the minimum standards set forth in Article
            V, Section 4.E except as provided in Section 4.F (1).

                                  Go to for additional information.

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