Page 17 - POS SPHS Keeper 2019-20
P. 17

Career Education _________________________________________________________          _____

            Naviance: Career Exploration and Post-Secondary Opportunities

            Naviance  is  a  college  and  career  readiness  platform,  which  will  aid  students  in  making  the
            connection  between  academic  achievement  and  post-secondary  goal  setting.    This
            comprehensive  college  and  career  readiness,  web-based  program  empowers  and  assists
            students in making informed decisions by allowing them to connect learning to life in preparation
            for life after high school.   Also, students will be able to explore and identify individual strengths
            and learning styles, explore college and career options and create a plan for their future.

            For additional information pertaining to Naviance, please contact the High School Guidance &
            Counseling Department to speak with your child’s counselor.

            “21  Century Life and Careers”

            In today’s global economy, students need to be lifelong learners who have the knowledge and skills to
            adapt to an evolving workplace and world (NJDOE).

            Standard 9,  21st Century Life and Careers, of the NJ Student Learning Standards  (NJSLS)
            clearly defines guidelines for what students need to know and be able to do, in order to be
            “successful in their future careers, and to achieve financial independence”.

            Standard 9 of the NJSLS addresses the following:
                     Career Ready Practices
                     Personal and Financial Literacy
                     Career Awareness, Exploration, and Preparation
                     Career and Technical Education

            The goal is to integrate 21  Century Life and career skills across the K-12 curriculum and in Career and
            Technical Education (CTE) programs to foster a population that:

                     Continually reflects and looks to improve the necessary life and career practices that
                       lead to success;
                     Uses  efficient  communication  and  collaborative  skills  and  resources  in  order  to
                       effectively interact with a global society;
                     Reaches a point of financial literacy and responsibility at home and in the broader
                     Is knowledgeable with respect to careers, can plan and follow-through, as well as
                       adjust career goals in response to a changing society and economy; and
                     Pursues skills and content mastery to achieve success in a chosen career path.

            For additional information pertaining to the NJSLS across the content areas, visit
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