Page 12 - POS SPHS Keeper 2019-20
P. 12

2019 - 2020 School Year

            Dates         Changes Permitted          Transcript               Grade Calculation for MP#1
            9-9-19           Change in Level            None         Grade = 100% from new course;
              To             Drop down only
            9-20-19          (No Moving Up)                          Student must make up all missing work in new course,
                                   Or                                including summer assignments, by determined date.
                         Drop Course Completely
                                                                     If Class dropped completely (without a level change)-
                         Electives can be changed                    --no grade.
                              per availability
            10-7-19          Change in Level            None         Grade = 50% from original course and 50% from new
              To             Drop down only                          course:  This means that all grades from the previous
           10-18-19          (No Moving Up)                          course will be averaged together with all grades from
                                   Or                                the new course.
                         Drop Course Completely
                                                                     For  new  class--Student  is  not  responsible  for  any
                        No more Elective changes                     previous work.

                                                                     If Class dropped completely (without a level change)-
                                                                     --no grade.

           11-18-19          Change in Level            None         Grade = 100% from original course (no modifications
              To             Drop down only                          due  to  change  in  level  down  at  end  of  marking
           11-29-19          (No Moving Up)              or          period—no transcript notation).
        (End of MP#1)    Drop Course Completely      “WP”  or  “WF”   If Class dropped completely (without a level change)-
                                                                     --student receives a grade of “WP” or “WF”.
                        No more Elective changes

       Students may not drop a course for a study hall when:  1. The course student wants to drop is a core academic
       necessary for graduation. 2. The drop would place them in a second study hall. 3. The drop would place them into
       a situation which may hinder requirements set forth in the credit guidelines for each grade level or for graduation
                                PLANNING YOUR EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM

          1.  A student’s program should be determined on the basis of previous performance in the subject area
             selected,  various  related  test  results,  career  and/or  educational  goals,  teacher  recommendations,
             parental permission, and the approval of the counselor.

         2.   All students must register for thirty at least (30) credits per academic year, however it is recommended
             that thirty-five (35) credits be taken.

         3.   Students selecting courses requiring departmental approval assume the responsibility of obtaining
             such approval prior to scheduling online.

         4.   Elective courses have limits on the number of students who may be accommodated.  The screening
             of  student  requests  will  be  made  by  the  various  departments  and/or  the  school  counseling
             department.  When a course is oversubscribed, priority for enrollment is most often by seniority.
         5.   Electives chosen online are tentative until all academic prerequisites have been met.

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