Page 11 - POS SPHS Keeper 2019-20
P. 11

            Schedules (or course selections/requests) may be adjusted based on class size, enrollments, disciplinary
            reasons, or other discretionary reasons. Administrators may also adjust a student’s schedule or course
            selections/requests if they have been inappropriately placed and/or have a schedule conflict.

            Students who fail a subject from the previous year must repeat required subjects, e.g. English, History,
            Math,  Science,  and/or  Physical  Education/Health/Driver’s  Education,  therefore  this  may  require
            counselors to make changes to students’ initial course selections/requests. Every effort is made to ensure
            that  students  are  not  reassigned  to  the  same  teacher.   However,  certain  courses  have  constraints,
            therefore this cannot be guaranteed.

            This procedure is to be used once the school year has begun (in the Fall).  If a student is considering
            dropping a course, and the reasoning is valid (as was discussed prior), the first step is for the student to
            make an appointment with their school counselor. The student must complete / submit a “Scheduling
            Change Form” to their school counselor, during specified times (as indicated on the chart on the next
            page).  This form must be completely and adequately filled out, and must state the reason for the request.
            The student (not the counselor or teachers) is responsible to acquire all of the signatures (may include
            but  are  not  limited  to  parent/guardian,  counselor,  teacher,  subject  supervisor,  Assistant  Principal,  or
            Principal) necessary to process the request.

            A student may drop a full-year course prior to the end of MP#1 (or prior to the end of MP#3 for a semester
            course only).  If a student drops a course during the first or second schedule change window, no notation
            will be recorded on the permanent record of the student.  Dropping a course during the third (and final)
            schedule change window will result in a grade of “WP” or “WF” on the student’s permanent record /
            transcript.  Please refer to the following chart for specific dates with regard to next school year (dates are
            tentative at time of this printing – confirmed dates will appear in next year’s Student Handbook):

                                         (PLEASE SEE NEXT PAGE FOR CHART)

   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16