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P. 28
Johny Bootlegger
Rochester, New York
Johny Bootlegger is inspired by the colorful and romantic era of the 1920s, which is characterized by snappy
dressers and good times. However, with the 18th amendment going into effect, it was considered the only
amendment to restrict American freedoms rather than expand them. Prohibition was aimed to change how
people celebrated and to eliminate crime. The true effect was quite the opposite, and so began the practice
of bootlegging. Many creative cocktails were invented in speakeasies, the place where thirsty folks went to
enjoy a bootleg beverage during the Prohibition era. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected in 1933 on the
promise to repeal Prohibition, but even after it was repealed, the spirit of getting the people what they want
lives on through Johny Bootlegger! Johny Bootlegger is available where beer is sold, and it's a great choice
when a very tasty, spirited beverage is desired! At 12% alcohol by volume, there are six great flavors to
choose from...and with that, the legend of Johny Bootlegger continues.
Johnny Bootlegger 24/200ML Bottles
Flavors: Grape
Iced Lemonade
Sour Apple
Flavors: Grape 15/375ML Bottles
Iced Lemonade