Page 10 - Bernardon+Wilmington University Qualifications Statement_Neat
P. 10
Commons at Ursinus College
Strategically situated at the prominent intersection of Main
Street and College Drive in Collegeville, the Commons
marks the entrance to the Ursinus College campus. The
17,255 SF addition and renovation to the existing Keigwin
Hall, a historic brick farmhouse, will provide the private
liberal arts college’s 170-acre campus and 1,435 students
with a café, bookstore, meeting space, and administrative
offices. Campus tours both begin and conclude at this
node of activity, emphasized by a spectacular view of the
emblematic Bomberger Memorial Hall, a turn-of-the-century
Romanesque structure built of Pennsylvania blue marble.
Taking cues from the mica stone currently throughout
much of the campus, The Commons integrates the stone in
two gable walls reminiscent of an agrarian structure native
to Montgomery County. Repeated again in a site wall that
becomes the multipurpose pavilion, the stone forms a
threshold into a courtyard surrounded by the volumes that
make up the Commons.
BERNARDON | Statement of Qualifications Page 8